"Yes, heat vision. And some more abilities that you'll figure out on your own. You will still have a little human in you, but you'll mostly be like me." I laugh. Then there is silence.

   "How did you know how to save me?" She asks, after the few moments of silence. I bite the inside of my cheek and think of the answer.

   "Actually, I don't really know. It just came to me in a time of desperation. It was actually just an idea and I didn't know what would come of it. Your nurse.... well she knew that I could do it. But you already knew that." I say. She nods her head and looks down to her hands. I don't know what else to say to her, and I don't think anything will make her situation better.

   "Look, so things may be different with you." I start. She looks to me with worried eyes.

   "What do you mean?" She asks.

   "Well....  I've spent my entire life like this. It only started to develop when I was in school. You... you were not born with this nor have you had time to tradition. I don't know if things, transitioning, will be the same with you since my blood has only been in your system for a couple of days. It may take longer, it may happen tomorrow, but I'm warning you. It is the worst pain you will ever endure." She breathes in deeply. Someone needs to tell her this, and I hate that it's me, but who else would tell her?

   "The first thing your body has to get used to is Earths atmosphere. All your powers will start to form, and you may lose control. That brings me to the next thing, control. Your powers can appear out of no where. They could all appear at once or in fragments. While you're at the store, driving down the freeway, and even sometimes while you're going to the bathroom." I laugh. She doesn't. I clear my throat after I realize that she is most definitely not laughing. "You have to be in control. If you feel yourself losing it, you need to channel your emotions, find your anchor. You need an anchor. It can be someone or something. But it is the thing you go to when you need to calm down. Someone or something that can bring you back. You look to that anchor for guidance. And before you know it, you've got control of your emotions and powers. It's hard at first, but soon you'll get the hang of it." I finish, but there's still a lot more that needs to be said. I don't want to overwhelm her. She looks to her hands that are in her lap, then takes a deep breath and speaks.

   "Who's your anchor?" She asks, looking me in the eyes. I hesitate, but answer. I've never told anyone this before, so telling her this is kind of difficult for me.

   "My mom." I answer. Her shoulders slump.

   "Oh." She mumbles. I grab her hand and rub soft circles across her palm.

   After a couple minutes of silence, she huffs then lifts the blankets off of her legs.

   "What are you doing?" I  inquire, standing up and stopping her.

   "I have to go to the bathroom." She says. I look at her with worried eyes. She could get dizzy and fall. She's been in that bed for I don't know how long, her legs are going to be weak. "And I just want to get out of this damn bed." She adds.

   "Well then at least let me help you get there." I say. She puts her hand up in protest.

   "No, no. I will do this on my own." She says. She slowly lifts one leg up at a time and places her feet on the floor. She lifts her body up and stumbles a bit. I go to grab her, but she regains her balance before I can reach her. She shakes her legs a little bit before taking a few steps forward. She smiles, then straightens her back and continues to walk to the bathroom across the room. I go to sit down in the chair, and I feel my pocket buzz. I pull my phone out and look to see who's name is on the screen. My mom is calling, I quickly answer it and put my phone to my ear.

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