Chapter 11

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"Oh great!" Emily groaned "we got caught! should we be happy or scared?"

Josh backed away. "judging by the look on her dads face i would say scared"

my dad was now storming down the hallway with my mom rushing to keep up with him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" my dad roared.

everyone went insane. Ryan and Dottie were crying their eyes out trying to speak, Emily was threatening Josh to keep his mouth shut, Eric was trying to calm down Ryan because she was rocking back and forth on the floor, my Aunt Nora was trying to reason with my dad along with Uncle Marcus' help, and my mom was scolding Emily. my dad just stood there watching me with his eyes narrowed. i covered my ears to block to noise. it didnt work.

"EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP!!" i screamed. everybody immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at me in shock. i took a deep breath and said "it wasnt our fault. the Boneys were coming back and we had to leave the plane. im sorry if we scared you and i know im probably grounded till i die but still it wasnt our fault and im sure you would do the same thing if you were us."

my dads face softened. "youre right. i would do the same. im sorry that ive so hard on you lately Rosie. i just dont want to loose you."

i smiled and gave him a hug. he smelled like ashes and rotting corpse. i heard a screech at the end of the hallway and turned to see 5 Boneys stalking towards us.

"we gotta go" Eric said.

"Everybody follow us!" my mom yelled. she turned and ran away from the Boneys with us following her. she lead us out a huge metal door and quickly closed it behind us. we ran across the parking lot and back into the woods. i almost felt like skipping i was so happy to be free. we ran for what seemed a mile before we reached the clearig back to our school. everyone in my grade was standing out side with police cars in the school parking lot. Patti turned around with wide eyes and shrieked "they're here!"

everybody ran towards us. i stiffened as Patti embraced me for a hug.

"oh my god your alive!" she squealed.

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