Chapter 12

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"Patti!" Ryan sighed and ran into Patti's arms and sobbed. "oh my god it was terrible! there was dirt and blood EVERYWHERE! thank god I got is out of there!" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Eric who was standing away from the crowd. I leaped into his arms and he swung me around.

"I love you" I sighed.

he pushed back a peice of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"I love you too" he replied and leaned down to kiss me. then he leaned back and looked into my eyes. "maybe you and me can go catch a movie or something. just us."

the idea made me giddy. "ya sure." I grabbed his hand and started back towards the crowd until I heard screaming behind me. I turned around to see the 5 Boneys running out of the clearing.

"we can never catch a break can we?" Eric mumbled. I pulled out my gun and raced towards one of the Boneys. it ran straight at me. I aimed for its head and fired. I missed. it slamed right into me and pinned me down to the earth. my gun fell out of my hands and was lying a few feet away from me. a stupid kid ran by and picked it up. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Eric lunged at the Boney pushing him away from me. I sat up and reached the back of my head. I pulled my hand away to see my hand covered in blood. I started to feel nauseous. I heard someone screaming my name and I turned my head to find Ryan sprinting towards me waving a gun in her hand like an idiot.

"Rosie I have a gun for you!" she screamed. she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the wound on the back of my head. I watched as she knelt down next to me and ripped off some cloth from her shirt. she wrapped it around my head and helped me to my feet. she sreamed when she saw a Boney charging right at us. she aimed the gun and fired. she hit it. she handed me the gun and gave me a quick hug before she ran away. I was about to fallow her when I heard a gunshot and a blood curling scream behind me.

I turned to see my mom on the ground bleeding and Emily being attacked.

I started to sprint towards them but I stopped because I was feeling dizzy.

and then everything went black

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