☽ | Bloody Mary (Ritual)

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Setting Up The Room

The first step in the ritual is to make sure that the room is set up in a way that will ensure that the border between the physical world and the spiritual world is thin. Most paranormal researchers agree that a darkened room reduces the energy that a spirit requires in order to appear. Secondly, lit candles seem to add spiritual energy to a room and often provide a spirit with the additional energy it needs to materialize. Finally, no one is positive if the phantom that appears is truly evil, so it's important to use a special incantation to protect yourself from any evil that may materialize. Taking these factors into account, setting up the bathroom as follows will help encourage the entity to appear during the ritual, and that the person practicing the ritual will be protected from harm.

The ritual must be performed exactly at midnight. Turn off all of the lights in the bathroom and the lights in any hallway or room outside the bathroom. Light one or two candles and place them on the bathroom counter near the sink, under the mirror. Light an incense stick and place it near the mirror; many people believe the smoke offers protection from evil.

The Ritual

Once the bathroom is prepared and one of your friends has accepted the dare, place them into the bathroom and close the door. Before beginning the ritual, they must first repeat the protection chant so that they will be encircled with protection. Have the participant close their eyes and repeat the following words:
For thine protection I now pray,
Let all evil turn away,
Protect me night,
Protect me day,
And keep misfortune well at bay.

Once the chant is completed, your friend must stand in front of the mirror and stare into their own eyes for about a minute. When ready, it's time to slowly repeat the following chant thirteen times (some people claim three repetitions are enough) in a row while staring at their own eyes in the mirror.

"Bloody Mary (thinking "one")...bloody Mary ("two")...bloody Mary ("three")..."

According to those who believe in this ritual, upon reaching the thirteenth bloody Mary, an actual female spirit will materialize directly behind the person looking into the mirror. For many people, it first appears as a vague shape, but in only moments the figure of Mary, with her terrifyingly disfigured face, allegedly becomes very clear.

Rules for Ending the Game

At this point, if your friend sees that they have summoned a real spirit, they will most likely scream. No matter what, never keep your friend locked in the bathroom. One claim is that some people have gone insane from the effects of prolonged terror after seeing this female ghost appear behind them. Immediately enter the bathroom with your friends and turn on the lights. According to most stories, it's at this point that the ghost will disappear.

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