Chapter 4.5 - Acceptance

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(Back where we left off at Chapter 3)


It was dead silent the whole way. I looked down at him. He was deep in thought. He never noticed me staring at him for a minute straight. I see him, and I see my future. I've never seen anybody the way I see him.

Man. I've got it bad don't I?

What is he thinking of right now? It's probably best I don't say anything right now. Besides. He probably wants me away from him after that incident. I pick up pace. I also can't help but think about the ice cracking. It sounded exactly the same. Though, I guess all of them do. But had we stayed any longer, something bad could've happened. And I made a promise. That I would never allow that to happen again. So long as I'm there to help it. Not to me, not to him, not to any random person I encounter.

I must've made her feel so guilty...

I sigh and hold back a tear. I just begin to focus on what's in front of me. I see the lights from before.

Well if it isn't about time.

"Here. This is the spot we left from right?" I asked him, still thinking about my last thought.
He snapped back to reality. "Uh, yeah." He answered me.
I set him down gently and released his arm.
"That was... That was a lot of fun!" He said with joy. Oh good. I filled with relief. I guess he did have a good time. But... Then what was thinking of on the way back?
"Glad you enjoyed it." I ignored the thought and smiled. "See? I told you we were gonna have fun!" I boasted.
We finally shared a laugh again. Seeing him laugh and smile just keeps making me fall for him more and more.
"Yeah yeah you were right." He confessed.
"Next time I'll remember to bring skates!" I teased.
"Oh, so there's gonna be a next time?" He implied. I blushed while he laughed.

Oops. Was that a mistake?

"So, uhhh it's kind of late." He stated, looking towards me. "You could stay the night." He proposed. "If you want." He said quickly.
Is he being serious? I'd more than want to! Wow, I'm really glad I didn't say that out loud.

Being stuck as a teen has its drawbacks. Haha

"Well-" I was cut off by a girls yell.
"Hiccup! Hiccup where are you?" The voice asked.

I never even asked him his name!

Mental facepalm. Least I know now. But this still surprised me.
"I should. I should probably go." I went airborne. "I'll be back tomorrow." I continued.
I flew off. I smirked as I got further away. I'll be back for you tomorrow. And maybe... maybe I'll tell you how I feel.

(Half an hour later)

I made my way back to the North Pole. All was silent. Good, everyone must be asleep. I walked past North's projection of the globe. Looked the same as the last time a saw it. Filled with glow. I headed towards my room that I was given when I became a Guardian. I was just about to open my door when -
"Jack! Jack where have you been?" Tooth flew up to me and hugged me. "You were supposed to be back two hours ago!" She complained.

Should've known it wouldn't of been that easy.

"I was just out looking for new places and such." I came up with an excuse.
"Jack." She said slowly. "You're not being truthful. You never do that." She stated. Uhhhg she knows me too well. "What happened? Now you have to tell me!" She poked me.
"Ok ok." I started. I told her everything. About the village and how the man in the moon told me to go there.

If there's anything I know, always listen to the man in the moon.

I even told her about Hiccup, and the little detour we took. I even told her my new secret.
"And when I was with him, I-I found something out." I said sheepishly and started to blush.
"What's that?" She seemed so entertained with my story.
I confided to her. I couldn't hold it back. I just had to tell someone. And I trust Tooth the most.
She stood silently for a moment, amazed. "And, this Hiccup." She began. "He's who you've fallen for?" She asked.
"You can't tell anybody Tooth!" I begged, not even answering her.
She nodded and smiled. "Of course. I won't tell anybody else about this." She promised.
I hugged her. "Thank you." I said with relief. "It's been a long day. I think I need to get to sleep." I said.
"Ok." She said with a smile.
I turned around and headed in to my room.

I'll tell him. Tomorrow. It can't wait.

And with that, I fell asleep.

(A/N: But I ain't done yet. Nuh uh. Not until I get to the reveal 😉 so enjoy this extra long chapter.)

I woke up feeling refreshed. I couldn't wait to go see Hiccup. I grabbed my staff and ran out of my room. And of course, Tooth happens to be right there. Can't just sneak out can I?
"Hey Jack!" She said enthusiastically. "Morning!"
"Uh hey Tooth." I said. "Morning. So, I'm gonna head out early today if that's ok." I asked.
"I guess." She agreed. "I'll tell everyone that you left early." She told me.
"Great! Thanks Tooth. See ya later." I took off.
"Bye!" I heard her call from a distance.
I left and headed straight for Berk. I came to the realization along the way that he could just completely reject me. He could be disgusted by me and never wanna see me again.

Would he do that?

No. He wouldn't. There's no way. But even if he were, I have to tell him. I can't hide this from him.
I finally arrived in Berk and flew over top of it, looking for him. He was nowhere to be seen. He must be up, cause once again, the village is flooded with people. I searched among the crowds, no Hiccup. I see one of the teens he was with last night talking to his friends. I eavesdropped on their conversation.
"Where's Hiccup?" One of them asked.
"Hmmm good question." I joked. Nobody can hear me.
"He was supposed to help us train today." He said.
"He went out to some ice patch I think he said." Said another, larger, teen.

Ice patch? Why would he head back there?

I immediately flew towards the ice patch. What would he go back there for? And without me? I'm so confused.

I came across the ice patch that we slid across last night. I nearly yelled his name when I saw him, but I held back when I saw he was not alone. It's that blonde girl from yesterday.


I watched them closely. What I saw next, shattered me. Hiccup gave her a card. Once she read it, she hugged him. I didn't think much of it at first, until Hiccup kissed her. Passionately and joyfully. My eyes watered. I couldn't control myself, I should've known better. I turned around and flew as fast as I could.

Oh my god I'm so so so so so sorry 😭 pleassssssse forgive me. I made it an extra long chapter just for that 😭 pleasssssssse don't hate me. But really man who would've saw that coming? Oh wait 😅. I guess we figured out what Hiccup's answer was... Or have we? Keep reading to find out! Chap 5 should be ready in a few days. I'm gonna take my time with this next one. Please comment (even if it's hate) and I'll see y'all later! Thanks for reading, it couldn't of been easy. Love you all deeply. ~Silver

Stay By Me (Hijack/Frostcup) (Hiccup X Jack Frost)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat