Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Rose I want you to come on tour with me," Harry looked at me in the eyes. "Ashlyn and Serena are going too," he looked at me hopefully.

"Gosh.. Harry.. I don't know what to say..."

"Say yes," he pleaded

"Umm... Yes!" I finally agreed. He picked me up and twirled me.

"I love you Rosie!"

"I'm going to let that slide Harold but I love you too," I smiled


Today was the day before I was leaving to go on your with Harry. I was so excited.

Devin and Hunter were so mad when they found out what happened. They agreed to let me go with Harry.

Serena and Ashlyn were currently helping me pack.

"How bout..." Serena trailed off "this bathing suit!" She held up a floral print two piece.

"Fine," I groaned knowing I wouldn't win.

"Ooh this top. And this dress. And oh my gosh These shoes!!" Ashlyn threw a ton of clothes towards my suitcase.

"Can i pick my own clothes?" I asked. They both gave me death glares as if to say 'Hell no'

Harry and I have almost been dating for a year. Ashlyn and Niall for 8 months and same for Serena and Zayn.

"HONEY IM HOME!" Hunter yelled from the door. I bolted down the stairs to see my best friend. I hugged him and Devin.

"I missed you guys!" I yelled in excitement.

We all talked about everything that has happened. I talked to the boys about tour. It was 7 months long. We're going to the Americas all over the place I was really excited

Harry talked about going home. I wasn't ready to meet his mum yet... What if she didn't like me? Or thought I wasn't good enough for Harry?

I was so worried

All of these questions flooded in my head all at once.


I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see Harry.

"Hi Harry!" I ran up and hugged him.

"I want to take you somewhere. I looked at Ashlyn and Serena "Go Rose, were gonna leave anyways," I smiled

"Ok, well bye guys see ya later," I intertwined my fingers with Harry.

I hopped into his black range rover.

Call me maybe was playing.

I looked over at Harry and smirked. We both had the same idea


We belted out the lines to the song while laughing hysterically.


We arrived at a meadow filled with beautiful flowers. And as cliché as it sounds there was a beautiful picnic blanket set up underneath a big oak tree.

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist while holding a basket.

"Picnic!!" I clapped my hands like a five year old. Harry chucked at my statement.

I ran off to the blanket.

Harry set up our lunch. I ate a Peanut Butter And Jelly sandwich. It was so good. "Mmm... This is so good..." I took a big bite out of my sandwich.


We finished our lunch. We talked a little bit about tour and other things. We danced and messed around it was fun.

"C'mon follow me." Harry grabbed my hand leading me towards what looked like a lake.

Near by there was a white wooden gazebo where lanterns hung and rose petals laid on the floor. Harry lead me on the path of red roses.

"Harry this is amazing," I looked up in aw.

"I'm glad you like it babe," he smiled at me.

I looked around a little bit more and when I turned to see Harry he was kneeling on the ground holing a ring box in his hand. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring.

"Rosalie May Carter I've loved you from the start. I can't live without you. And I know we've only been dating for about a year but I'm ready. Ready to be committed to the love of my life. Rose will you marry me?" He looked up at me. Tears pouring out of my eyes.

To think last year I wouldn't be standing here crying. But here I was these five boys have made me a softie. I didn't know what to say.

"Y-yes!" I finally found the words to say it. Harry jumped of the ground engulfing me in a hug then kissing me passionately. I kissed back.

"I love you," I mumbled. " i love you too," Harry said kissing my cheek.



Chapter Dedicated to @xoxo_coke_queen

@lov3_lala not really a cliffhanger this time your welcome ;)

Thank you all so much for reading this story I really really appreciate it!! and the story ISN'T over yet.

There's going to be a lot more chapters:)

Love you all! Thanks again for reading!


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