Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Niall I just... I don't know what to do," I cried. It was something I rarely did. I trusted Niall though. He was my shoulder to cry on I guess.

"Shhh Rose its ok. I promise it will be," he cooed.

"Niall did you know? That he was cheating?" I sniffled. "No. I actually didn't. He went out one night and didn't come back til 2 days later," he looked down at me. I hugged him tight. My tears stained his shirt. "Oh Niall your shirt," I whispered "it's ok love," he smiled. "How are you and Ash?" I asked. I haven't talked to her lately. "Great. Thank you, for introducing me to her." He smiled. "Anytime," I giggled.

"Ice cream? And Disney movies?" He asked.

"YES!" I giggled.

Hunters POV


I punched him. He didn't do anything except cry. I didn't know weather it was in pain or he felt guilty. My fist clenched. "Why are you crying your the one who hurt Rose!" I yelled in his face.

"I-it was an accident l-let me explain. P-please," he begged. "One minute, Go," I counted down his minute in my head. "I swear I would never hurt her. I was at a bar. This guy walked up and said if I didn't sleep with his sister that he would go hurt Rosie. He showed me her exact address. What she looked like. And worst us... Together. He knew everything. He was stalking her. He wasn't a paparazzi. I swear. Hunter please tell her!" He pleaded. Part of me believed him the other half told me it was bullshit. "You got proof?" I asked. Still not giving in. "Here look I don't know why but I had my phone out recording it, I-I was drunk," I watched the video. Everything he said. The address the pictures everything. Was true. I had to tell Rose. "C'mon," I helped him up, "lets go see her,"

Niall's POV

I watched her curled up in a ball. How could Harry do that to her. She's so... Pretty. I still like Ashlyn heck... I'm in love with Ashlyn. But I'm just saying Rose is well... Beautiful. I knew Harry would only hurt her if someone was after her. He promised. It wasn't like him to do that. She fell asleep. So I picked her up bridal style to her bed. I kissed her forehead, "goodnite Rosie," I smiled and left the room. "ROSE?!?" I heard Devin yell. Em"Rose is asleep, mate" I whispered/yelled. "Oh sorry, when did you get here?" He asked. "When you left," I laughed. I looked over to see Hunter walking in with none other than Harry. "What the hell is he doing here?!?" I gritted through my teeth. "To apologize," he snapped. I lifted my arms up in innocence, "sorry mate, she's asleep right now," they explained what happened. I looked at Harry and he was shooting me death glares. Does he think... That... I slept with Rosie?!? Eww no never.

"Niall you still here?" I turned around to see Rose rubbing her eyes.

Rose's POV

I woke up after hearing Niall's thick Irish accent yelling at Devin, "What the hell is he doing here?!?" I heard Niall yell. I walked slowly down the stairs. "Niall you still here?" I asked groggily. "Yeah. Um someone here that wants to talk to you..." I looked over to see Harry. Bruised beaten. His eyes were red and puffy. Oh man That's why Hunter and Devin left I should've known. "What is he doing here," I looked at Niall "just go, ok, I'll be in the other room with the boys," he lightly pushed me towards Harry. "Um hi," I said. I stood there in complete utter silence for a good minute. "Rose please listen to me.." He finally answered. "I'm listening but I am not taking any shit." I looked at him sternly. "Ok here's what happened," he explained everything. I was in utter shock when he showed me the video. He wasn't lying. "Please Rose. Take me back," he cried. "No Harry I won't take you back but we can be friends ok? I'm not ready to be in a relationship again with you. Friends?" I asked. "Friends..." He gave me a fake smile and hugged me. I was gonna miss those hugs. "Lets go," I walked to the other room. "Hi..." I walked in. The boys looked up and immediately asked in unison, "are you two back together?!?" "J-just friends," Harry answered. He looked as if he was about to cry. Did I mean that much to him?? "Devin come with me to go get the mail," he nodded and we walked out. "How ya holding up?" He asked "fine, I just feel bad," "I know it hurts," he reached out his arms engulfing me in a hug. "C'mon lets go get the mail. You and hunter made it into Manchester right?" "Yup" he popped his 'p' I grabbed the mail looking through it and saw it. It was finally here weather I would get accepted or not. "DEVIN IT'S HERE!!" "OPEN IT!" We ran inside. "HUNTER IT'S HERE!" "OMG IT'S HERE!!" I laughed at his fail of a teenage girl voice. "What's here?" Niall asked as he and Harry got up. "My letter from Manchester!!" "What does it say?" Hunter asked. The suspense was killing me. I opened it up. "It says-"



Cliffhanger. I know terrible...

Well... Until next update.


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