Chapter 4: The Date;)

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Chapter 4: The Date;)

4hrs before date

Rose's POV

"Ya. Have fun ok? But not too much fun.."

"Yes father." I rolled my eyes

There I stood looking at myself in the mirror wearing my favorite outfit. My "Obey" t-shirt, shorts, and a snapback. I felt somewhat.... Pretty. I guess I'm ready I'm gonna wait for him I guess. Wow four hours. What to do.

"Hunter! Do you wanna play games with me??"

"Yeah sure"

Well 2 hours of

"YOU CHEATED" was fun. So we made food. I got the Mac and cheese ready while Hunter made Sandwiches.

"This is good" I said while I shoveled in some more mac and cheese.

"I've gotta go. I have a date too" he winked and left.

I wonder who... I just hope he isn't leaving so he can spy on me.

~6 o'clock time for date ~

I heard the knock on the door and my heart sank. This was my first date ever... "Hi Rose" he smiled. "Hi"

"Ready to go??" "Yup"

We arrived at the movie theatre. "So what do you wanna watch?"

"MONSTERS UNIVERSITY!!" Yes I'm childish. He laughed at my enthusiasm.

"Two tickets for Monsters University please"

"Ok that'll be- Holy crap your Harry Styles!"

"Yes I am. Can I have the tickets please?"

"Of course, but I'm gonna have to make a rain check on our date tonight" she winked "how bout 8?"

I looked at my shoes wondering 'am I freaking invisible'

"Can't you see I'm on a date with a beautiful girl?!?"

"Beautiful?! She's fugly!"

"Just give me the god damn tickets..."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and gave me a dirty look


"Yes" I looked at Harry

"Your beautiful. That girl had no right to say that. Your the prettiest girl I've ever met."

I blushed really badly.

"Thank you... No guy has ever said that to me" I smiled

"Really? This is the first time a guy has ever said that"

Harry's POV

"Really? This is the first time a guy has ever said that"

I was shocked

"Yup" she popped her 'p'

"Lets go get some popcorn"

We watched the movie. It was pretty funny I enjoyed watching Rose giggle. She had the cutest laugh ever. Should I ask her to be my girlfriend after the movie?? "Harry there's no more popcorn..." I snapped out of my thoughts

"Darn I'll go get more" I got up

As I was walking I noticed the same lady who gave me the tickets.

"How's your date going?" Wow she's terrible at flirting

"Amazing" I smiled

"It would be better if that girl was me. After all I'm way prettier than that ugly slut..."

I held it in. I was going to slap her.

"Listen I'm sure your a great girl and all but I like Rose and she's a beautiful girl. I think I might love her. So no I think I'm just gonna get some more popcorn then return to MY girl. Ok?"

Before I knew what was happening I felt her kiss me. It was disgusting. She smelled like vodka and cigarettes. I immediately pulled away.

"Maybe I was wrong Harry. I thought you actually liked me." I hear Rose whimper. Then she ran


I ran after Rose. She was sitting alone on a park bench.

"Rose!" I called out to her.

"GO AWAY" she cried



"Rose that was nothing that dirty Slut. Was harassing me. I told her to leave but she wouldn't. She just kissed me. I couldn't stop her. Please believe me it's the truth..." I almost cried.

"I do. But I don't think I can deal with it-"

Rose's POV

"I do. But I don't think I can deal with it-" I got cut off by Harry's sweet lips

I kissed back. What else was I going to do?

"Rose Carter. I want you to be mine. I want you to know that the only person I will give my heart to is you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" He blurted out


"Yes." I smiled and hugged him tightly

"Dinner then?"


Harry's POV

She said YES!!! I can't believe that I can finally call her mine.


Yay boyfriend and girlfriend!!


I hope you liked this chapter

Not a Love Story {Harry Styles}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang