Chapter 8: I like her

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Chapter 8: I like her

"So how was your date?" Asked Serena as if she were begging for details.

"It was so cute. He took me to where he used to work, a bakery in Cheshire, yes I know long drive but it was worth it."

"Awwwww" They chorused.

I'm really happy I met these girls we have so much in common but we have totally different personalities. Weird right?? Harry told me to invite them to his and the boys flat.

"Hey girls do you maybe possibly wanna go to One Directions flat this afternoon?"


"Lets go."

We drove of to the flat. I was greeted by Liam. I've bonded with him i guess he's a really cool guy.

"Hi Rose!" He yelled

"Hey Liam this is Serena and Ashlyn"

They both waved and said hi.

"Zayn. Louis."

"Rose." We burst we out laughing. These boys were my prank team. Like this one time


"Rose get the whipped cream" Louis yell-whispered

We were pranking Niall

"Zayn. The feather!" I yelled as Louis spread the cream all over Niall's hand and face.

"Got it." Zayn gently tickled Niall'a nose

"AAAAHH AHH ACHOO!" Niall sneezed. He had covered his mouth with his hand that was full of whipped cream.

---end of flashback---

"Hi Niall" I smiled. Now this boy was my eating buddy.

I noticed that Ashlyn looked at Niall and blushed crimson.

And Serena looked down at her feet when she saw Zayn.

Hmmm... I have plans for these two girls.

"Rose!!" Harry greeted me with a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek. The girls giggled at me and Harry.

"Rose can I talk too you for a second?" I heard a thick Irish accent come from behind me. Niall.

"Yeah sure." He pulled me into the other room.

"I think I like Ashlyn..."


"But when you finally find your true love you just... Know. " he was serious he liked Ashlyn.

"So you gonna ask her out??"

"Yeah but at the right time not yet."

"Now it's my turn to talk to you" I heard Zayn from behind us.

"Oh lord what?!?"

"I um.."

"Let me guess.. You like Serena??"

"Bingo" wow I was guessing I think I'm a psychic.

"HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD?!?! Ask her out. now leave peasants" I shooed them away.

Eww they like my friends.

Hmmm Zayn and Serena I can picture that. And Niall and Ashlyn?? Maybe.

I have to go talk to Devin and Hunter I feel like I've been ignoring them....



Hey gorgeous readers;)

How are ya?

Next chapters dates and bf/gf stuff maybe k?

Bye lovelies,

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