Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Harry's POV

Reality hits you hard when your "living the dream"

You realize people hate you. No one cares. People judge. Society has been made. It's all so stupid. No one understands. We're all living in society.

Rose has been getting hate. People say she's been seen cheating. That she cuts. That she's fat or ugly. And I can't protect her from this. Zayn and Niall finally made their relationship public. Ashlyn and Serena got hate the second they all announced it. It's been hard for all of us.

Louis and El are staying strong. But Anna and Liam broke up. After Liam proposed...

Since then we've seen a new Liam. He cusses a lot more. He dresses differently. Got a new tattoo. It's different.

One Directions fandom is going nuts! We've haven't had one but of privacy. Larry shippers, Elounor shippers, Nash (Niall and Ash/Ashlyn)shippers, Zerena (Zayn and Serena) shippers, and Cyles (Carter and Styles) shippers have been getting into things they shouldn't. That guy that lives with Rose keeps looking at her like she's meat. I've kept my eye on that lad. He's pretty intimidating.

Rose's POV

I haven't told him. About Jake. How he tries to touch me. Hunter and Devin have tried getting rid of him but he brings up this "contract" it's stupid really. Hunter talked about going to the police station and getting a restraining order. But I thought it was idiotic.

But maybe I was wrong considering I'm tied up to a chair in my own house with a psychotic boy trying to hurt me.

Hunter and Devin aren't home yet and when they get back its either I give the boy what he wants or they die. He's cut my arms many times and left bruises all over my face, legs, and arms. He went to go "take care" of something and still wasn't back.

Ashlyn's POV (a lot of POV's I know)

Rose hasn't called me or Serena and we've left at least one hundred messages and voice mails. She's hasn't answered and its making us both worry.

"Serena lets go check on her," I suggested. She nodded and we both walked out to the car. As we hopped in I got hit. By a metal object. All I heard was Serena yelling,"ASHLYN!"I heard another bang. And everything went black.

I was being dragged. I didn't know who. I just hoped Serena and Rose was ok. Oh and what about the lads?!? They could be hurt too!



It's late sorry forgive me? I hope so.

Anywho. What do u all think. Who captured Ashlyn and Serena?




Not a Love Story {Harry Styles}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin