Bullied...? (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

The rest of the week continues on in the same pattern. We receive glares, threats, a few of those weird supportive faces, and average human faces all week. The bad ones were worse than before, and most of the supporters started dying down to normal faces while others turned into full-blown fangirls. Bill didn't seemed fazed, but I was terrified for my life. I'd tell him so, but he'd just look at me and smile, saying, "Don't worry about it, Pine Tree. I won't let anyone hurt you."

He wasn't lying... there was this one point on Thursday that he wasn't near me for a little bit so he could go turn something in for a teacher.

"Stay here for a bit, okay?" He had walked off with me sitting at the lunch table. I stayed there, cold and terrified of everything. This group came up and surrounded me after I had gotten up to use the restroom. They started pushing me around and calling me a faggoy when Bill suddenly came back. He scared of the kids and looks at me with some odd genuine look of anger and worry. "I told you to stay there," He had grabbed my hand and just brought me back to the table. He kissed me and held me closer than usual. He wouldn't leave my side ever, including after school. He stood with me until I was safely inside of my house, and he waited outside of my house for me to come outside every morning after that day. I could tell that he genuinely cared... that he genuinely does care.

But... if he really does care... then... why would he hurt me? He must be putting up a great act for even me to believe that he cares even remotely.

On Saturday, he came over. Mum, dad, and Mabel were finishing their last bit of packing when he got here. They had all just smiled and said 'have fun', 'be safe', and 'call if you need anything'. Right after they left, he kissed me and started walking me to his house.

Which is where we're headed now. He holds my hand as we walk not saying much. He keeps me on the opposite side of where the road is and scowls at people for staring. I hide away a small smile so he doesn't think I actually like him- which I definitely don't.

We eventually make it to his house. It looks pretty average on the outside, yet slightly old. The walls are brick and the roof is a brown colour. The garage looks old and the driveway is empty with a few cracks in the pavement. From here, it looks like a small, one story home. Bill takes me inside, and the first thing I see is a cute little living roon, but he immediately leads me to the kitchen , where there's a door next to the fridge. He digs through his pocket and finds a a key. He unlocks the door, revealing stairs going down. Stairs... basement? There's a basement?

Wait... there's a basement?? Oh god!! Is he gonna lock me in here??

Apparently, my face is showing visible panic, and Bill notices. He chuckles. "Don't worry, Pine Tree. I'm not gonna do anything bad. The basement is my room, so calm down," Oh... but why would he have a special key for it? Maybe... ahhhg!! I can't let this get to my head! Just... calm down Dipper... you'll survive this... maybe.

We start walking down the stairs, him still holding my hand. Eventually, we make it to a dusty room with a queen sized bed. There's a small TV on top of a dresser, two beanbags, randomly scattered clothes, a nightstand, a random door, and a random box. It's a small, but looks like a pretty average room. The floor is hard with one carpet partially under the bed and beanbags. It's just a teenage boy's room... and, I have to admit, I like it quite a bit.

He takes me over towards his bed and I internally flip. I calm right back down when he just sits us both down, wrapping his arm around me and turning on the TV.

"Anything you want to watch?" He looks at me. My panic is still showing when he looks. "Stop freaking out, I'm not gonna treat you like a slave all week," He smirks at me and gets close to my ear. "Unless that's what you want," My face turns red as I push his head away.

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