"That'll be £34.70," the pizza guy requested. I handed him some notes and upon receiving change, leapt back to the living room with the pizzas, jumping on Calum and opening a box, getting a good whiff of pepperoni. He pushed me off, continuing the game on the TV. Why was he so grouchy? It's not like he remembered Luke or anything. Jeez.


We finished up, and Ashton and Luke went to wash the dishes and throw the rubbish out. A film was playing in the background, and Calum was sat leant against a sofa scrolling through his phone. Arzaylea shot me a look.

"So are you the guy from the phone?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah... Yeah I am. What about me?"

"Oh nothing. You're the guy Luke 'likes' then? The one who 'isn't really' his boyfriend?"

My heart temporarily stopped. What? Did Luke say to her that he liked me? No... no he must've been talking about Calum. "Are you sure it's me?"

"Um, yeah. I asked him about the guy on the phone, and that's what he said. Listen here though... I kinda want you to back off, in the nicest way possible? Like... I'm sure you don't really like him, but... please. For the sake of our relationship. I don't like having any competition."

But I do really like him.

"S-sure. Yeah I can do that."


I blinked a couple times, suddenly feeling thirsty. Clearing my throat, I stood up and headed to the sink to get a glass of water. Luke looked up from the dishes in his hands and smiled, sending me on another bout of chest aches. I coughed and downed the glass, now feeling extremely hot.

"Hey guys I'm just gonna head out and get some beers, since we don't have any left," I announced, rushing to get my coat. Ashton shouted back, asking if I wanted him to come, but I simply shook my head and left, closing the door gently with a shaking hand. Phew.

As I passed a few fans, I kept a smile going but inside, I was going crazy. Thing is, even though I had all these feelings inside, I couldn't even talk to anyone about it... people's first impression of me wasn't exactly a weak person who helplessly fell in love with someone he really wasn't supposed to fall in love with. No – to everyone else I was the crazy (and good looking) guitarist from that band who wasn't even a band... God I just wanted to punch something.

Having bought the beers at the local convenience store, I headed back to the house – but instead bumped into Calum who had some interesting news for me.


The headaches became a common occurrence, and each and every time they happened, a memory came back. It just strolled into my mind and planted itself there, like a puzzle piece that had finally been found. Due to the pain, I ended up becoming quite an annoying person. I got pissed off at everything and couldn't care less about what anyone else had to say.

There was one thing that kept bugging me though, and that was the accident. I still couldn't really remember much about it... maybe it was because I was drunk? I vaguely remembered Luke talking to me but nothing else, and that seriously angered me.

So, in conclusion, I had regained most of my memory – probably up to the Christmas of 2014 (the release of LIVESOS). I was aware that we were on tour and had to cancel our Australian and New Zealand dates, and that everyone else under the impression that I could only remember up to 2012. Now I had the choice between telling everyone I'd regained (most of) my memory, or keeping it hidden and watching things unfold. I was veering towards the latter, mainly because it sounded fun.

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