Chapter 16

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The line was silent for a moment as Yuugi tried to formulate an answer. Whoever was on the other side was speaking english;


"H-hello, I am Muto Yuugi... C-can speak- I speak- to Atemu-san?"

Although he had taken English classes last semester, he hadn't excelled in it. The person paused before starting;

"Who's Moe-toe You-Gee, Big brother?"

Yuugi was sure that wasn't directed to him as someone spoke in the background;

"Ask if he knows a Puppy..."

"Do you know a Puppy?"

"N-no..." He began, then caught himself. Puppy! That was Jounouchi-kun! "W-wait, yes! I do!"

There was another pause.

"Big Brother, he's shouting in a weird language!"

He had spoken Japanese! Yuugi's hand came up to his head and he grasped it tightly. It was so hard! Why couldn't this person just give the phone to...!


Yuugi's head pooped up.

"Kaiba-san! Kaiba-san, it's Yuugi! I called for Atemu-san, but I think I may have the wrong number...!" He blurted, glad to hear even the stone faced brunettes voice after a day or two.

"Oh, Yuugi. Yeah, I'll get him." He said in a board tone as a hold tone was played in Yuugi's ear.

It had been a few minutes and no one had picked up the phone. Yuugi was beginning to get worried. Maybe they had forgotten about him... should he call again? Maybe try another day... Maybe Atemu-san didn't want to talk to him... or-

"Aibou! Aibou, is that you!?"

Atem's voice rang out over the phone line and Yuugi's eye's watered.

"A-Atemu-san... I missed you!" He replied quietly, his voice breaking slightly.

"Oh Yuugi... I looked up your Grandfathers store and called, I missed you as soon as I left your room. I wanted to hear your voice... I'm so glad you still sound like you over the phone..."

Yuugi laughed lightly.

"Atemu-san, you're babbling."

Atem paused;

"Sorry Aibou, I was only excited."

"Oh no! Not at all, I like it. I missed your voice as well."

Yuugi could feel Atem smile across the world and grinned himself.

"On the plane here, Atemu-san, I thought of something..." Yuugi said, sitting on a chair near the phone.

"Oh? And what is that, little one?"

"What you mean to me."

"Mou hitori no boku?" Atem asked, clutching the phone with both hands.

"Yes, I found that that's what you are to me. My other half... Does it bother you!? I'm sorry, I suppose that was uncalled for..."

"Not at all, Aibou. I love it, please, say it again?"

Atem could feel Yuugi's blush as he heard the stuttered reply;

"M-mou hitori no b-boku..."

A smile graced his strong features as Kaiba slammed his book shut behind him.

"Alright, enough time. I want to talk to my puppy now." He called, making sure Yuugi could hear him. Atem frowned.

"Cousin, you could have asked like a civil human being."

"Oh shut up, technically, I'm only half human anyway. Now hand over the phone."

Atem sighed, his cousin really wasn't going to give up, and secretly, he was glad he had taken a liking to someone other than his little brother, Mokuba.

"Atemu-san, I can go get Jounouchi-kun if you'd like, he's upstairs..."

"I'm sorry, Aibou. I would've like to talk to you more, but it seems our time is up."

Yuugi's smile seemed to radiate to his heart as he winced.

"Not at all, Mou hitori no boku, would you mind calling me tomorrow?"

Jounouchi sat motionless on his bed, staring at the imprint of Seto's form on his comforter. He missed the brunette jerk, all of him, even the comments about canines and breeding. A blush graced his cheeks as he remembered what Seto had whispered in his ear;

"Say, Puppy... What do you think would happen if we bread a cat and a dog? It's so dysfunctional, it just might turn out amazing, don't you think?"

Dysfunctional, it was the perfect word to describe their relationship. It was all probably a dream anyway. Jounouchi smacked himself lightly, shacking his head. He wasn't going to act like a lovesick puppy-

He smacked himself again.

"Jounouchi-kun! Jounouchi-kun, phone!"

Katsuya turned and poked his head out the door;

"Who is it Yuugi?" He called, expecting it to be Honda or Anzu.

"It's Kaiba-kun!"

Kaiba held the phone to his ear, listening to the conversation on the other end of the line;

"Jounouchi-kun! Jounouchi-kun, phone!"

There was a pause...

"Who is it Yuugi?"

"It's Kaiba-kun!"

There were footsteps at a quick pace, an exclamation and thud before more running...


Oh, it felt so good to hear his puppys voice.

"I've never heard of a dog speaking on a phone before, this is a first."

A laugh came through the phone as Seto smiled.

"Big brother, You're smiling! Are you feeling okay!? Maybe you should lay down..."

"Kaiba, who is that?"

Seto sighed.

"Mokuba, go play your video games for a while or something." He said quietly, hand over the phone. His little brother frowned before heading up to his room. He turned back to the phone;

"I'm sorry, that was my brother, Mokuba."

"I never know you had a brother." Jounouchi said, frowning as Yuugi fluttered around the house, cleaning, as he started dinner.

"I thought I told you. His name is Mokuba and he's only eleven."

"Oh. I have a sister, her name is Shizuka, but I haven't seen her in years..."

"I know."

Jounouchi stopped;

"I don't remember telling you...?" He mused. Seto paused before changing the subject;

"Puppy, when's the next school break?"

"In a month or so. Why?"

"No reason."

There line went silent.

"Will you come see me?" Asked Katsuya.

"Whenever I can." Seto replied truthfully.

"Promise me?"

"Hmph, who do you think I am puppy? I mean what I say."

Jounouchi suddenly remembered the breading comment.


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