Chapter 2

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"Katsuya you piece of-!"

The blonde cringed as he heard the voice tremble and cough before dry heaving outside his bedroom door. He had come home from Yuugi's only to find his father in another of his drunken rages. He had been unprepared and was struck by a broken bottle upon coming inside the door. The hit only grazed him, but he hadn't gotten enough time to dodge the next blow, a solid hit to the ribs. Blood was running freely down his side and over his fingers as he crawled to corner of his room. His emergency bag was located here, under his bed. If he could get to it, he would be able to climb out the window before his father broke the door… again. Maybe Yuugi would let him stay? He would have to see, there was no more time to think, his father was starting to beat on the door. Katsuya ran for the window, both bag and backpack in hand, just as the wood around the door hinges splintered and broke allowing the drunkard inside. Three more steps and he would be free, just three more steps… too late. His father had hurled the broken bottle towards him, which he managed to dodge, and shattered against the wall by his head. Small pieces of glass flew in all directions, some lodging themselves in Katsuya's body and bags as he continued to the window.

"Shit!" He screamed, diving through the glass and landing on the fire escape outside. Glass was now lodged in his left leg, but it didn't matter, he had an adrenaline rush, and he needed to get away. Now.

"Jounouchi-kun. Jounouchi-kun, wake up!"

Katsuya opened one eye and looked around. He was in a room and the walls were all white and had very boring artwork hanging on them. There was one window and it had small beams of light streaming through it onto his face. This must be a hospital…


Something was rubbing on his face, something soft and… alive. The blonde teen sat up, effectively dislodging the brown cat from his chest where it had been napping. It flailed and retreated to his lap, where it curled up and gave him a disapproving glance.

"Ah! Jounouchi-kun, don't move!" Yuugi cried beside the bed. Both he and his grandfather were sitting there, along with Anzu, Hiroto… and someone he didn't know.

"Who's that?" He asked, rubbing his head and rubbing the brown cat between its ears. The cat didn't purr, instead choosing to lean into the soft touches without sound.

"This is Otogi Ryuji, he's Honda-kun's friend." Yuugi said. The bird was still perched on his shoulder, and it was giving the cat a strange look. Jounouchi took his eyes off the strange bird, and moved his gaze to the newcomer. He was shorter than both he and Hiroto, but much taller than Yuugi, and he had long black hair pulled up into a ponytail. He had bangs poking out from under a strange red and black headband, his eyes were a disturbing shade of bright green, and he had a strange line under his left eye. The boy lifted a hand in a half wave and nodded.


Jounouchi nodded back, without noticing Honda's hand on the other boys waist. He was too distracted by something rubbing against his inner thigh.

Katsuya looked down, and saw that the cat was currently under his blanket and licking the inside part of his thigh. He flinched and knocked the cat's face away.

"What're ya doing!? Quit it!" He exclaimed. The cat gave him an annoyed look and went back to licking him.

"Kai! Stop it!" Yuugi cried, grabbing the cat and yanking him from Jounouchi's lap. The cat was not happy about this.

"Wait, who's Kai?" Katsuya asked, rubbing his leg. He stopped and lifted his hand; there was red liquid on it.

The nurse was called by Otogi and Honda, the animals were hidden by Yuugi and his grandpa, and Jounouchi simply sat there and stared. Why was his leg bleeding? He hadn't been hit there had he? But that bottle had shattered and he had jumped through a window… suddenly he was feeling lightheaded.

"Please stay awake sir." A woman said, holding his back as another nurse gently lifted his leg to see what had gone wrong. Anzu let out a small shriek and ran from the room, and everyone else was escorted out. Jounouchi cried out in pain and embarrassment when a different part of his body was touched. He didn't like it, not one bit. There was nothing wrong there, and there was no need to touch it.

"Quit it!" He exclaimed, snatching the hand away and pulling his hospital dress over himself. The woman looked at him apologetically and said she hadn't meant to before leaving. The little dilemma had taken only a few minutes, and once they had finished, Yuugi and the others were allowed back inside.

"Jounouchi-kun!" Yuugi cried, rushing to the side of his bed. Katsuya smiled at him assuringly.

"I'm fine, I just moved too much and opened one of my scratches." He said. Yuugi's face fell.

"No Jounouchi-kun, those weren't scratches. There were glass shards sticking out of your body and blood everywhere when I found you... You could have died!" He exclaimed. Katsuya's eye's shot open. Yuugi had found him? Had seen him bloody and passed out somewhere. Jounouchi suddenly gripped the sheets in his hands, what had he done?

"I called the police, they said you would be okay… they asked who did it to you… and I told them." Yuugi continued. Katsuya's head snapped up and he stared at the shorter boy.

"You told them!? What did you tell them!? Yuugi, why?" He shouted.

"Jounouchi-kun, please! L-let go of me!" Yuugi cried. Katsuya was holding him by the coller of his nightshirt with both hands as he shook the younger teen.

"Yuugi, I can't go home now! He'll think I told them, he might get sent to jail! What then? Where will I go? How will I live?"

"I'm sorry Jounouchi-kun! Please, stop. You're hurting me!"

Katsuya stopped and slumped backward onto the bed. What was going to happen to him now? His mother didn't want him, and she didn't have enough money to support both him and his sick sister. He could get a job, but that would mean quitting school, and he couldn't get anywhere in life without an education.

"You can stay with us, Katsuya."

The soft voice of Yuugi's grandfather, Sugoroku, brought him back to his senses. Had he just…?

"The doctor has told me that you are able to leave the hospital this afternoon, and you should try to walk as little as possible as to not open your wounds. You will return with us and stay as long as needed. Welcome to the Muto family."

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