Chapter 12

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Atem's face was still red as they continued walking. He couldn't believe that his cousin would say something as... as vulgar as that! He shook his head. He would most definitely not be saying that to his Aibou. Ever.

"Aibou, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Atemu-san. I can hear you."

"I need you to trust me, with your entire being. Trust that I will save you." The thought desperately. There was a pause, before Atem felt Yuugi smile.

"I already thrust you Atemu-san."

Atem's own heart seemed to stop. Yuugi, his little Yuugi, had been taken from him while he wasn't paying attention, and he still trusted him. He felt his throat constrict, but continued on;

"Thank you, Aibou. Now, when I say to, I need you to close your eyes."

"Of course."

"Good. Then do so now, and think of me."

Yuugi closed his eye's and thought of Atem. He remembered his raven hair with it's crimson tips, his ruby eyes and his strong face. A blush graced his cheeks and the Atem in his thoughts cupped his cheek and spoke;

"You'll be safe, Aibou. I promise you."

Then Atem was gone and Yuugi felt something begin to grow from his shoulder blades and pain racked his entire body as he cried out. He could feel Atem's apologies and word of comfort, but the pain and his own screams drowned them out. It felt like his entire body had constricted in on itself before exploding afterwards, and then it was over leaving Yuugi in a world of darkness.

"Aibou!" Atem cried out, clenching his head again. Seto was growing tired of Atem and his 'mind-link' with Yuugi, while Jounouchi seemed to become more and more frantic as Atem froze.

"Well? Has he turned yet? Can we get moving?" Kaiba asked flatly. Katsuya frowned.

"He is turned. Into what, I do not know, but we should still hurry." He said, walking forward. Seto grabbed his puppy and held him gently in his arms before he and Atem exchanged a look.

"You still have wings Atem."

It was a warning. Yuugi must have only transformed halfway. Atem nodded grimly before extending his wingspan. It splayed quite far, about two times the size of Atem's other limbs. He reached out to Seto, and took Jounouchi from him. Kaiba frowned, but relinquished his golden puppy to Atem who merely nodded and took off. His powerful wings flapped gracefully as he rose into the air. Jounouchi barked to Seto as he went out of sight.

"Jounouchi, please. Lead me to Yuugi." Atem said quietly. Katsuya seemed to smile as he spoke;

"Don't think you're the only one going to save him, Atemu."

"W-what is he!?"

Yuugi's vision was blurred as he stirred. He had no idea how long he was out, but he knew every part of his body ached. He wondered if it hurt this bad when Jounouchi grew his dog ears, but dropped the thought when something poked his side. He looked up, trying to see his attacker.

"That's not Atem." Someone said quietly. Yuugi's vision was clearing and he saw a horrified face near his own. It was a man around Kaiba's age, and he had a strange scar under one of his eyes. Suddenly, he uttered something Yuugi could barely catch;


Then Yuugi was out cold.

A small egyptian village sat in the shadows of the pyramids. It was a town of trade, and on the market today were slaves. Children, women, men, even older people were sitting in cages and waiting for someone to buy them. Some posed, others cowered in corners, but one slave simply smiled at everyone who passed. His name was Heba. He was very small for his age with such large innocent purple eye's that all who walked past stopped to look at him. Including the Pharaoh.

"My Pharaoh, you do not need to be here. Please return to the palace!"

There was laughter outside of Heba's cage and he looked up.

"I see no problem with visiting my subjects, even if I do not approve of human sales."

The smiling face of the man talking struck Heba like a rock... no, it had been a rock. Heba looked down to find the stone sitting harmlessly in his lap as his shoulder throbbed. He touched it lightly before taking the rock and placing it outside the bars, careful not to put it where someone could step on it, but his hand did not go unnoticed.

"You there, you dare put a rock in the path of the Pharaoh?"

Both Heba and the Pharaoh turned to the man speaking, a guard as he grabbed the cage and shook it. Heba bounced around, hitting himself on the bars every time it moved. He cried out in fear and pain and the man continued to shout when...

"Refrain. He has done nothing wrong." The Pharaoh's hand was on the mans shoulder, causing him to pause.

"My Pharaoh..."

The Pharaoh then turned to Heba with a kind smile. Heba buried his face in the ground, bowing with respect. There was a laugh.

"Lift your head, I wish to see your face."

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