Chapter 4-The Rival!

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Soul's POV
"Wow, (y/n)! You're a natural!" I praised her with admiration.

"I wouldn't say that," she replied shyly, now embarrassed. Her friend just stood there, his face red.

He thinks she actually likes him! I thought, glaring at him.

"Alright, you can go now!" I declared sternly putting my hand on (y/n)'s shoulder. She looked at me with slight embarrassment and amusement.

"He can stay for a little! I haven't had contact with him in long time!" She cutely protested, her adorable pouting face winning me over.

"Fine," I laughed, hugging her.
I noticed her friend glare at me for a split second, then jerked his head away.

                           Your POV

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing a girl with long, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. She flipped her hair and declared, "I challenge (y/n) to a battle! Do you accept, or are you a coward, (y/n)?"

"I'm gonna take you on, of course!" I laughed, my arm transforming into a sword.

"Um, (y/n)? Do you know this girl?" Kid asked, a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, she's an old rival of mine," I simply replied. "Her name is Megan Winters."

"Enough about names, (y/n). Let's end this," Megan sneered, her eyes shining with malice.
"Alright then, but not here. Let's go outside," I murmured, eager to fight my old rival, whom I had met in elementary school..

It was a windy August day, the first day of kindergarten. I was, of course, frightened. I tentatively walked into my assigned classroom, my steps small and shaky.

To my surprise, the teacher wasn't in the room as expected. I shook in fear as all the other kids stated at me. I only found one friendly face in the crowd.. My future friend, Masaaki.
But also, one face in particular was giving me a evil glare. Megan.

Once we had went outside to fight, all the host club members surrounding Megan and me.

"You can do it, (y/n)! I believe in you!" Maka encouraged me. I smiled and said, "I'll do my best."

"So, (y/n). Where's your weapon?" Megan sneered, her bird sized brain not realizing that a sword had replaced my arm a few minutes earlier.

"Well, I guess that's because your observation skills aren't that great, Megan. You see, I don't need a weapon, because of this.."
I then transformed my left arm into a sword with an extremely sharp blade. I smirked, ready to attack.

"May I ask, Megan, where is your weapon?" I asked sarcastically.

"Um.. Well.. Wait a minute!" She growled. She then pulled out a pink cellphone out of her bag, and dialed a number.

"Where are you?! I told you to wait outside you idiot!" She screamed into the phone, making my ears practically bleed.

She them angrily hung up and threw her phone back into her bag.

"Next time I'll beat you, (y/n)!" She wailed, running away like the little baby she was. I smiled in triumph, my fellow host club members in awe.

"You're amazing, (y/n)!" Kid cried, getting on his knees. "Amazing, beautiful, and symmetrical!"

I blushed, not knowing what to say. "Eh, I'm not that great."

"What are you talking about? You are way more cooler than you think!" Soul exclaimed, winking.

"YEAH, YOU'RE TOTALLY SUITABLE TO BE MY WIFE!" Black Star yelled, running to me. I stepped to the side just in time, and he face planted.

"I don't think so," I murmured, embarrassed.

Why are almost all of my friends weirdos?

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