Chapter One- The Host Club?

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Your POV
"Geez, how am I ever gonna find somewhere to paint?" I muttered as I trudged down the seemingly endless hallways of the DWMA.

I was a new student there, and I had no meister. But I didn't need one. I could easily fight by myself.

I'm really good at drawing, or so I've been told. Painting too.

I stumbled upon a door that had a caption reading, Study room 12.

"This should be the perfect place!" I whispered to myself. Oh, if only I had known I was wrong.

As I opened the door, rose petals gracefully flew out and slapped me in the face. I let out a gasp of surprise as I spotted unfamiliar faces. The room wasn't empty.

"Hello there darling. Your face is new," a boy with black hair with three white stripes on the right side murmured as he gazed into my (e/c) eyes with his own golden ones.

"W-..what is this?" I stuttered, extremely confused.

"Don't you know? This is the host club of the DWMA!" A loud voice yelled. It was a boy with blue hair, and sparkling emerald eyes.

"No, I didn't know that," I muttered, blushing. Since when did the DWMA have a host club?!

"Hey, a person who looks as cool as you should know that, you know?" A boy with white spiky hair, with equally sharp teeth, smirked as he stared at me.

"C-cool?" I gasped. "I'm far from cool!"

"N-no, you're not. You are very p-pretty," a boy with pink hair shyly murmured, clasping his hands.

"So, what do you want?" A girl with sandy blonde pig tails asked, a curious flicker in her eyes.

"Well, I wanted a quiet place to paint. I'm an artist," I explained, becoming more embarrassed as the boys stared at me in awe.

"Wow! You're pretty cute too!" The blue haired boy shouted, a hint of pink on his face.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed, my face beginning to redden.

"Maka... CHOP!" The girl yelled, hitting the boy on the head with her book.

"Sorry about that. It seems we've forgotten to introduce ourselves," she apologized, bowing.

"I am Maka Albarn, manager of the host club!"

"I'm Soul Eater Evans! It's so cool that I get to meet a girl like you!" The white haired boy grinned, winking.

"I AM THE GREAT BLACK STAR, THE ONE WHO WILL SURPASS THE GODS!" The bluenette screamed, jumping on a table.

"I-I'm Crona. It's nice to meet you," the pink haired boy whimpered, his face bright red.

"And I'm Death the Kid, Lord Death's son. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," the black haired boy smiled, holding his hand out.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n). It's great to meet you all as well," I replied, shaking Kid's hand.

I should have ran when I had the chance...

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