Chapter 3- My first Customer?

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Your POV
After I changed into my spare clothes, I headed back to the host club.

Why is Black Star so annoying? I thought as I opened the door, rose petals once again slapping my face.

"HEY (Y/N)! I'M GLAD YOU'RE BACK!" The painfully familiar voice of Black Star sounding as I walked inside. I gave him my, 'I hate you right now' face and sat beside Maka.

"Oh! (Y/n)! While you were gone, someone requested you!" Maka told me, her eyes shining with excitement. "Your first customer!"

"R-really?" I stuttered, amazed. "But why would anyone request me?

"It's really obvious," Kid smirked, snaking his arm around me. "You see, you're a pretty girl, (y/n)."

His eyes.. His smile.. I couldn't help but blushing a bright red as he stared at me. Do I like Kid?

"SHE ALREADY KNOWS THAT, SO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Black star hollered, racing up to me and pulling
me away from Kid, wrapping me in his embrace.

"Let me go!" I stammered, reddening as Black Star only grinned widely.
"No way! You're my goddess!" He exclaimed, hugging me tighter.

"I'm not your goddess!" I protested, pushing him away, blushing.

"Aww, don't be shy! You know you love me!" He smirked, winking at me. I reddened, and turned away, giving him a annoyed 'hmmph!'

"She will never be yours," Soul smirked, grabbing my hand. "You're not cool enough for her."

I simply blushed, looking at the ground. Suddenly, I felt someone lift my chin up. I looked up to see Kid gazing at me, smiling.

"How could you be so cute?" He asked, pulling me into a firm hug.

"Um... What?" I exclaimed, blushing even more.

Suddenly a loud knock interrupted. The door slammed open to reveal someone I thought I'd never see again.

"Masaaki?" I gasped, staring at him.

"(Y/n)? It's really you!" Masaaki cried, rushing to me and picking me up, spinning me around.

"(Y/n). Who's this?" Kid asked coldly, clearly jealous.

"Oh, this is Masaki. We were best friends in elementary school, but he moved away to America," I explained as my best friend put me down, patting my head.

"Yep! I really missed ya!" He grinned, hugging me.

"So, you requested me?" I asked shyly, now realizing what that meant.

"Mmhmm!" He replied, a huge grin on his face.

"One second!" I called over my shoulder as I hurried over to Maka.

"Hey, Maka? What am I supposed to do?" I asked her, nervously clasping my hands.

"Flirt, compliment, and act like you love him," she simply answered, giving me a thumbs up.

"I can't do that! He's my best friend! And anyway, he only thinks of me as a friend!" I exclaimed quietly, blushing.

"You must be stupid if you think that," Maka joked, punching me in the arm.
"Why else would he request you?"

"Ok," I muttered, embarrassed. I then strutted over to Masaaki, putting on my flirty face. I felt the boy's stares on me, making me smirk.

"Hey (y/n) so.." Masaaki was cut off as I gently put my finger over his lips.

"Shh. It's alright," I whispered sweetly, making the boys want to be in my best friend's place.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" Masaaki stuttered as I cupped his chin and gazed into his eyes.

"Did I ever tell you that your eyes remind me of an ocean?" I asked him as I continued to stare into his blue eyes.

"N-no," he replied quietly, blushing.

I smirked, pulling him a little closer.

"Well, they do. They are beautiful, blue, and powerful," I whispered loudly, making the boys beg Maka to request me.

"Times up! Good job, (y/n)!" Maka declared cheerfully, shoving all the boys to the floor.

"Ok! Now pay up!" I smirked letting go of Masaaki's face.

"Here," he mumbled shyly, handing me the money.
"Thanks!" I winked at him.

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