
35 2 0

10:09 PM

Look at the tears streaming down her face
That turned into blood, can't you base?
Pure red that keeps on streaming
Like a river but she's living.

She can drown you down if she wanted to,
But she's that pure and soft to you.
Why not appreciate the kindess she shows?
The purest and whitest dove that no one knows.

All they could see was the dirt that's flowing with her
The branches and twigs that's starting to wither
All the society could see was that small dirt
That's located in her white shirt.

She was helplessly flowing;
Hopelessly hurting without anyone knowing.
She's heading to end
Even so, a small help you didn't send.

Just needed to vent out. I couldn't type everything I feel because my thoughts are so messed up that I, myself couldn't even put them into words.

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