Chapter 6- Jealousy and near's crush

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When they got to the ice cream parlor both little boys went out of the car mello was a bit ecstatic while near was just near emotionless and he couldn't careless about where they are but he was a bit happy on the inside though knowing

They are with L speaking of L he was already inside ordering the ice creams for the two and himself

Mello went over to L while near sat down at the table looking at them mello was pretending he couldn't see the other ice cream flavors so he asked L to carry him near stared at mello almost glaring he couldn't help but feel jealous he doesn't know why but he is now near isn't one to chit chat but he stood up and decided to interact with some people..just to see how the pair would react

He looked around looking for a person who he can have a decent conversation with "hmmm" he hummed twirling his hair eyes focused on the people

Near then spotted a guy with blue hair he grinned because the guy with blue hair was reading a detective book and he was attractive too he stood up and went over to the guy "that's a nice book" he whispered shyly the guy looked up

"Oh hello little guy and yeah it is great just got it from the the way I'm silver what's your name?" Silver asked near twirled his hair "that's a weird name for someone with blue hair, I'm near"

Silver chuckled "well it's not my fault my parents called me silver"

"I know it's the parents fault why most children get bullied they make the most ludicrous names for their child it's sad " near murmured "that's right you're very wise huh...but you look young how old are you"

"I am 10"

"Really? That is a bit unbelievable because you're too smart and attractive to be 10"

Near blushed then looked down but still showed no emotion though as usual silver looked at him amused then moved a bit close to near and entangled his fingers on near's hair messing it a bit

L and mello were done ordering and they already got their ice creams when they got to their table "where's near?" L asked confused mello looked around then he saw near with a guy blushing and stuff "over there with a guy" he mumbled

"What?" L asked mello pointed at near then he saw near

.... who is that guy near's talking too? He thought frowning

He decided to walk over there to find out what was happening


Near already knew that L was walking over to them he felt happy inside and he doesn't even know why, he doesn't know why he wants To find out if L will get jealous, he wants to know how L will react he knows it a bit wrong to use a person for his own needs but silver was quite nice and maybe they can be friends

"Ehem" L cleared his throat the pair looked at him

"Uh yes?" Silver asked

L was not one to show any emotions but right now he couldn't help but feel angry and he didn't know why "tell me who are you? And why are you talking to near" L questioned getting a bit close to the guy

Silver felt a bit comfortable "I'm silver and No particularly reason"

"Well you're looking at him like you want to kiss him"

"W-w-what? N-no"

"I saw it! I'm never wrong especially when reading people's faces ....stay away from near he may seem mature but he's only 10!" L practically growled at the boy silver was afraid near just watched amused because he got the reaction he wanted

"Stop L let's just go....bye silver" near said then tugged on L's shirt so that they could go to their own table L obliged and followed near but he looked back and glared at silver "uh b-bye near" silver mumbled then sank on his chair afraid of the look that the raven haired boy was giving him

When they got to their table near took his ice cream and started eating it

Mello looked at him "since when do you socialize with people you don't know?"

He shrugged "since now I guess...he was pretty nice and attractive too"

L frowned at the young boy "yes but he is too old for you near you shouldn't be liking people that are very old because they would be called pedophiles and by the looks of it he is time please don't talk to strangers"


"Good now eat your ice creams both of you so we could go to the store and buy you two stuff that you want.."

"Yay!" Mello exclaimed eating his ice cream happily

Near was quiet now he knew he had won but something about what L said about not liking people older than him made him sad but you know what...?

Now he knows why he had been upset when L didn't come visit him

Now he knows why how badly he wanted to make L jealous

He knows why he's so jealous when L and mello are too close

He knows why he's so upset by what L said's because he likes L

Near sighed and looked down L looked at him a bit worried L wondered what was inside the young boy's mind right now ....near is the only person L hadn't figured out yet and it was bugging him he wanted to know how near was feeling so badly he felt so worried he felt so sad...the only thing he sees on that boy is emptiness and nothing

He wanted to make near happy

And he will

Besides that's the whole purpose why he was here for two weeks anyways

To make near happy

He doesn't know why he wants to

But yet again he just assumes its because near reminded him so much of himself

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