Chapter 11- hospital

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"Are you sure you feel alright?" L asked near for the tenth time near nodded "yes l i am alright " he answered the older boy L sighed "okay.." He mumbled near looked at him "calm down ryuuzaki When i feel something bad you'll be the first one to know...and I don't even have a choice since you're the only one here with me " L laughed

"Are you getting sick of me already nate?" He asked

Near blushed then looked down"t-thats not what i meant and you're not supposed to call me that!"

"I was kidding and I'm the famous detective L! I can do what i want" l said

Near giggled ...yes he freaking giggled

L looked at him shocked but smiled "that was cute.." Near blushed even more then twirled his hair "t-thanks I don't know where that came from" he whispered smiling at the wall

"Well looks like mello and matt will have another thing to put on their near's emotion list"

"Don't tell me you're in it too"

"I'm not " l said smiling at near "don't worry"

Near looked up then smiled back he then started to feel a bit weird his head was hurting he clutched onto it groaning in pain L frowned and moved closer to Near "near what's wrong?" He asked "m-my head hurts..."

"Oh..the doctor said that your head will start hurting and some of your body parts will hurt too..."

Tears were on near's eyes. He really hated crying but he couldn't stop it the pain was too strong and it was making him really weak and emotional now, L moved even closer to near and hugged him into a very awkward hug because of how both of them were sitting but the pair didn't mind

"Don't worry near the pain will go away soon..." L whispered

Near buried his face on L's chest "i hope so" he mumbled starting to feel a bit better because of L he really wanted to tell L right now how he felt and kiss him but he wanted to wait he doesn't even know if L is gay he might be straight as a ruler maybe i can take this opportunity to see if near likes me L thought to himself he knows he shouldn't take advantage of this but he wants to know if he has a chance he really liked near even though he was too young and even though watari is gonna kill him he wanted to fight for near and he will that settles it then I'm gonna find out if he likes me or not

"Ryuuzaki? Are you alright? You've been staring at me for the passed 2 minutes"

"It's nothing near just thinking thats all" l informed him near nodded he looked down at the boy and smiled "so what do you wanna do?"

Near shrugged "I don't know and I don't think there's much to do in a hospital really and this is all still a shock to me i came back from the dead and that is such a mind blowing thought"

"Well I'm happy that you did come back from the dead ...because I wouldn't know what to do if you actually died" l whispered looking at near checking his reaction Near blushed and looked away The raven haired boy mentally smirked ..50%

"y-y-yeah" near stuttered

"What's wrong near? You look red and .." L said then pressed his forehead on near's "you're really really warm" near blushed even more what the heck how can he be so dense? He thought then looked L in the eyes "it's n-nothing L " near mumbled staring at L's dark black emotionless eyes but he swear he saw something different for a second.. 75% sure that he likes me only a few more things  L thought smiling then pulled away from near and he saw near frown a bit ..on second thought 90%

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