On the Road Again

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"Okay little lady, we should be heading off if you want to fit two more areas in today. We want to finish before dark because you have to get back," Liam explained. "Alright then, let's go to the hot humidity area," I say. "This way then!" Liam says. I yell back at Zayn and Charlotte, "Bye guys, thank you for having me and showing me around!"

We started to head out of the blue jungle and into the orange one, this was the start if the hot humidity area, I was so excited! "Now, are you hungry Fi?" Liam asked. "Yeah, I'm starving!" I replied. "Oh sorry, I should have offered earlier. Out here I get carried away and forget to eat sometimes!" Liam exclaimed. "Oh, it's fine! I would totally lose track of time if I lived out here, there is so much to explore!" I replied.

Liam stopped abruptly, I did too. "Why have you stopped?" I asked. Liam didn't day anything, he just sat me down and looked at me in awe. "Do I have something on my face?" I say. "No, I just like looking at your beautiful face!" he replied. "Awh that's so sweet! But what's the real reason you sat me down?" I exclaimed. "To eat silly, didn't you say you were hungry?" he answered. "Haha yes!" I say.

Liam clapped his hands three times and some baby elephants came with fresh fruit on their backs. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "Well, here it is, our lunch has been served," Liam says. The baby elephants came over to us, they had two giant platters of fruit, I was so amazed! The little man from the top of the elephant dropped down a ladder. Liam climbed half way up the ladder and yelled back, "Go over to the other elephant and the man will pass you down a ladder." I walked over and there was the little man. He had blonde spikey hair and wore this bright yellow necklace to mark that they are elephant riders. I carefully climb up the ladder, hoping I wouldn't hurt the elephant.

When I got up to the top, I looked over to the elephant that Liam was on, and he had already started to dig in. Before I ate, I took a moment to look at all the beautiful fresh fruit that was lay in front of me. "Come on Fi, eat up! You need your energy," Liam exclaimed.

After we had finished most of the platter, we climbed down from the elephants and said goodbye to the little men on top. "Let's head off!" I exclaimed. "Okay, to the hot humidity area we go," Liam says.

While we were walking, the wildlife was starting to come out the plants seemed like they were coming alive. it was a great vibe from inside the jungle, I felt very at home. "What are you looking at?" Liam asked. "Oh just that bird up there in that tree," as I was pointing. "That's native to the hot humidity area, I suppose we are getting close then," Liam added.

We continued walking; my feet were sore but I didn't care because I was with one of the best guys I have ever met in my whole life. "Hey!" I shout as Liam nudges me. "What? I didn't do anything," Liam says sarcastically. I looked at him like he thought I was dumb. I nudged him back and he giggled. "Hey!," Liam says, "What did you do that for?" Liam asked. "Hey, I didn't do anything," I say with a smirk on my face. We looked at eachother and we knew what we were each thinking. "I'll race you to that tree!" Liam exclaimed. 

Before he could finish that sentence, I was already seven steps in front. I could hear Liam's footsteps behind me but I didn't let that get to me. I look around behind me and Liam wasn't there. I turned my head back to the front and there he was, way out in front. I didn't give up though, trying to sprint faster than I ever could was a challenge but I made some ground on him. Liam started to slow down as the tree approached. When he got to the tree he turned around and watched me finish. "Okay, I win, you lose. Because you lost, I am going to think of a punishment." Liam inclined. I was thinking all the possible outcomes that he could do to me. I was so engrossed in thinking, before i realised, I was over Liam's shoulder and getting tickled. "Hahahahaha!" I yell. "Do you think I should stop know?" Liam asked as if he knew he wouldn't get an answer. 

Eventually, Liam stopped and I was put down onto the ground. "Right, that was a good break wasn't it," he asked. "No way! I lost the sprint AND I got tickled. What do I get out of that?" I say "Well, you should have run faster! You got to have a ride on my shoulder," Liam added. "That's very true!" I exclaimed.

There were lots of slippery rocks ahead because of the moisture coming from the heat. "We better be careful else we might slip," Liam suggested. I nodded my head in agreement and off we tootled walking slower than usual. 

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