Chapter 10

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Harry's pov:

He led me inside and I followed him into the kitchen area where he stood on side of the room and I stood the other.He had his arms crossed and I sighed knowing this was going to be hard for me to explain my antics of the night.

"I'm truly sorry for what I said Louis, I was out of order and I shouldn't have been such a d*ckhead,I was drunk and-"

"Harry don't you dare blame the alcohol! I know you've wanted to say it to me for ages. You hate me..You always treat me like shit and you ignore me all the time and I've had enough of it! I really don't know what I've done wrong to you Harry but I don't care about it any more because your not worth any more of my time!" he said angrily and upset which made me look up and shake my head towards him.

"LOUIS I DON'T HATE YOU!" I shouted wholeheartedly making him look up and laugh.

"Don't lie to me Harry"Louis said just loud enough so I could hear.

"Trust me Louis I'm not lying,the way I've treated you since we first met has been undeniably disgusting and you've never deserved to be treated like that not one little bit.I didn't mean anything that I have said tonight and that I have ever said.Louis I don't hate you I've never hated you and I don't think I ever will..."I sighed as he looked up with a confused expression on his face.

"Harry I don't understand what your saying,if you don't hate me why did you act like that and treat me like shit?.."He asked.

"I...I well"I stuttered which made him come closer to me I didn't want to seem weak.

"Harry what is it what's wrong? he asked with genuine feelings of kindness in his voice.

"I love you Louis,since the day I first saw your face,I started to fall slowly in love with you every moment since..."I lay all my feelings on the table hoping he would reply but instead he had this confused expression across his face.

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