Chapter 4

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louis pov:

"louis!" niall shouted making me jump out of my thoughts and get back to reality"sorry.."i replied mumbling.
"your looking at harry arent you?"he asked looking towards his direction where he was talking to some guy. I couldnt see who it was because there back was to me but they seemed to be touching each other i nodded to niall where he was already getting up from the table before i had even given him eye contact,"come on louis lets go-"niall said.
"niall where are you off to?"liam cut him off before he could finish his sentence to me and now niall reasised everyone at the table was looking at him.
"im just takin' louis home,his family are coming round soon and i was hoping to meet them again they're a lovley bunch of people" he said with a smile on his face.

I was really confused by this point because i'm sure niall knew my family where in france at this moment in time so i just went along with it because im sure he was just trying to protect me form harry.
"bye lads,sohpia see you later"we both said at the same time.
As we were walking out of the reaustrant i turned round to niall and i stood still in shock,the mystery guy who harry was talking to was Ben harrys ex!! harry noticed me walking out with niall and just carried on talking to Ben as though he was just a friend not the man who left him at hs most vunerable point in his life without a single word of goodbye.

When we reached the exit i made my way to the nearest bench i could find i needed to sit down so i could get out of this
state of shock."louis i see the way you look at harry"niall stared to say "what do you mean"i sighed
"i mean i know what that look is louis it's love and i think you know im right,you can tell me if im wrong but i know for sure i'm not i've seen that look many times before."he said and his face fell slghtly as i held my head in my hands
"he's so stupid not to see it louis if i was harry i wouldnt ignore you or treat you like he does you diserve more than that"niall said smiling trying to cheer me up.
"H..he hates my niall and i dont know how i can change it!" i said trying to hold back the tears but i wasnt doing a very good job as i felt one slowly drip down my face.
Niall put his arm round me giving me a hug from the side showing me his support,"please dont cry i know it's shitty but i have an idea,we're going to show harry just how much of an idiot he is being by ignorying you."niall mumbled in to my ear smirking his head off.
"so what's your idea then?" i asked willing to give anyhitng a shot...

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