Chapter 3

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Harrys pov:

I watched the way he sipped his drink and laughed as he was talking to Sophia. The way he would put his hand on the arm-'no stop thinking about him!',i tried but i just couldn't, i noticed that Niall had started talking to him i started to get more annoyed with every second that passed. He knew that when i first met i kinda had a crush on him and then i told him that i didn't like him but that was a lie it was a fucking massive lie! He couldn't stop laughing and touching him he knew that it would make me jealous but he carried on.
"where are you going harry?" Liam asked
"toilet" i mumbled walking away from the table towards the door of the restroom as i did i overheard the waitress from before who as flirting with Louis talking to one of her co-workers.

"He was so handsome, i really wish i got his number." she said as the other waiter started talking
"yeah i bet he his...he looks like he'd be good in bed as well."
I clenched my fists and before i knew it i was walking over to the desk slamming my hand down making them both jump and stop talking.
"don't you ever talk about Louis like that again and stay away and next time don't try to flirt with your costumers do you hear me!They quickly nodded.

As i turned around i bumped in to someone and made them spill their drink
"oh im so sorry i'll get you a new one what was it ?"
He turned round and at that moment my jaw hit the floor.
"harry" he said going in for a handshake it was my ex ben!
"ben! What are you doing in town?"
"oh i'm meeting a few old friends its jacks birthday this weekend, its good to see you.
You've changed a lot since we last saw each other, you may have even gotten hotter!" he said smirking at me as i walked back to the table never actually making it to the restroom.

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