Angel eyes>1<

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Hayden's (point of view)
"Come on Hayden! It's like the biggest game of the year, and we really need to practice for this one!" Ivan cheered, of course she was excited, I mean, why wouldn't the girl be? Her boyfriends practically in the game, I saw how happy she looked when meeka past by, just one look of him made her happy, man, I wish I where in a nice fitted relationship like her. But I just couldn't get in one, even when I tried, it always went downhill for me.

"Fine let's practice after school?" Ivan nodded, closing her locker, "make sure you let the girls know." I told her sternly, I know she'd forget it, but I needed to test her.

Ivan nodded with a huge smile on her face, she was always happy no matter what, even if I killed her fluffing cat, she'd be dazzled by it, she'd even smile bigger, is it even possible to be this happy on a daily basis, or even worse, at school? I sighed, poor Ivan.

"I'm going to see meeka, wanna come?" She asked, I knew she really didn't want me to come, because I knew they where gonna be by there selves, and I really didn't wanna be a third wheeler, so I just shook my head, "no thanks, I'm just gonna go to the library." Ivan nodded happily and bounced off to the other side of the school. I shrugged and started my way over to the library. My favorite place to go when I feel like reading.

I walked in greeting miss pope, I walked to the back of the isle where I found my favorite book of all time, I took it out and walked way into the back where no one was, I really didn't like reading in front of people, it made me feel less left alone, and a girl just needs her space every once in awhile. I liked my space, it made me feel relaxed, I didn't like being surrounded by preps all day, and yes I admit it, I am a prep, not a bitchy one, just a normal average nice prep, who sometimes talks a lot.

'Blade please! I didn't mean too! I'm so fucking sorry' 

"Come on blade, just go back to him." I whispered, I was way to into this book, although I read this book a thousand times, I still grunt and groan, I'm a love sick puppy when it comes to gays, I do have a gay brother...he's just not out of the closet yet, me and him usually talk when dads gone, I don't know why he's scared to come out, dad will still be dad, he'll except it and move on, like it was nothing.

But that's what Xavier doesn't see, his mind keeps wondering off to where dad kicks him out, and sees his son as a disgrace, like geez! How does he think like that?! My goodness the boy needs god...wait, that was wrong of me to say, my bad.

I closed my book and looked at the time, lunch break was almost over, i sigh and get up, I put my book away, and start walking out of the room, I gave a quick wave to miss pope and walked on towards my locker, which wasn't  far at all, thankfully.

I put in the code and opened it up, I took out my math book and my pencil, "Hayden baby." I rolled my eyes at the annoying voice, my ex, Kyle, I hated him, he needed help with sex addiction, and apparently he needed help with words he shouldn't use. I don't only hate Kyle for breaking things off, but I hate him for choosing some bitchy girl over me. I also hate the way HE broke up with me.

Yea I know I must sound like one of those annoying girls who only hate there ex because he choose a much prettier girl over me, and I know I sound overly dramatic, but that's just me, Hayden mayors, the dramatic girl.

"Go away you vagina." I growled closing my locker, I looked up to meet his Brown bright eyes, damn, it's like starring into the Devils eyes, only worse. "Well, that's nice of you to say, I only came over here because, well, I'm having this party tonight and I want you to come to it." He told me with his shoulders high, he smiled showing off his bright teeth, I shook my head, "nope sorry, I'm gonna hang with horndog." I lied, I just wanted to get out of this situation.

Angel eyes (preppy/emo)Where stories live. Discover now