Chapter 1

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Just after midnight, perfect. I rolled out of bed and managed to find some clothes to wear and the correct shoes in the darkness night gave me. After feeling them some, they were my favorite boots. I tried not to turn on the light. I slid on some jeans and slipped my holster over my button up shirt. I shrugged into a jacket and walked to the sink and flipped on the light. I looked up, ignoring the mirror, and eyed the dagger. I let out a low sigh and took it off the hook after washing my face and brushing my teeth. I silently walked out the door, gently closing it behind me so it made the tiniest noise when it clicked shut. I slid the sheath of the dagger onto my belt and refastened it. After pulling my hair up into a messy bun, I looked down the lit corridor. Just a little more and I would walk through the large, dark mahogany double doors and into the night.

            I slowly turned the crystal knob, and opened the door slowly, careful not to wake anyone. No one is allowed outside during the night. I knew why. I took in the night. The moon was up over the trees and nothing stirred around me. The night was cool and the wind blew through the tops of the trees, making the leave rustle. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. After only a moment, I opened them and started walking down the moon-illuminated cement. I looked around before I looked to the round, light gray moon. I hate that moon form. I've hated it for two years.

            I went to the large gates that were planted at the end of the cement. After sneaking through them, I stepped onto the lonely street. After looking both ways, I headed toward town. It was a quiet, near-perfect night. I looked to the tops of trees. After a few more steps into the dark shadows the trees made, I looked behind me out of habit. After taking in a deeper breath, I kept walking toward town. At least they had some artificial light to clear the darkness. Even if they had that, someone could still turn it out if they wanted to. I've seen it happen before.

            I walked through an alleyway on my way in. Most like to camp out in dark, damp places like this to capture their unsuspecting prey. It makes me sick. Lately, I haven't been able to catch any in the act, nor have I had the chance to kill them. Since then, I've been a little irritable. Who wouldn't be?

            I sat on the curb near a bar and looked up to the sky. There was a dim orange glow that covered most of the stars and buildings covered the moon. Good. I was getting nausiated just looking at it. I buried my face in my hands. I wasn't at all tired. I'd rather go through the night than be like everyone else and live through the day. It's been like that for two years. Two dreadful years of being under other people's care. Two years without the people I wanted alive.

            "I thought I'd see you out here, Mikado." I knew that voice.

            I unburied my face and looked at him. He was a tall guy a couple years older than me. His eyes were dark and his smile was pleasant, when he did smile. Tonight, he was smiling. He wore his hair long, which he pulled into a low ponytail. Tonight, he looked like a bartender complete with vest and a bow-tie.

            "Hey, Sasori," I said as I smiled back. When Kenzo Sasori smiles, you have to smile with him. I smiled because I plan on cutting the ponytail off when I can.

            "How have you been, kid? I haven't seen you in a while." Sasori sat beside me, his small dagger gleaming in the light the street lights gave.

            "Fine, until the full moon comes out like this," I said refusing to look to the sky like I used to.

            "I would think so," Sasori said as he looked to the road our feet were on.

            Kenzo knew about me. He took me in for a little while after I woke up. He knew how a light gray, full moon made me feel. He most everything about me, except for the reason why I was found nearly a mile away from everyone else. That I kept a secret for the longest time. Kenzo just waited until I told him when I was ready. Kenzo was only nineteen when he took me in. Ever since, he's been a huge part of my life. He and I connected, and the connection became closer after I told him.

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