Chapter 3- Rivalry ... And disappointment

Start from the beginning

"Set up a connection to the orphanage immediately" L ordered setting his cake down "why?" Watari asked

"I just wanna have a little chat with the children"
Near was now in his room reading a book about sherlock holmes then he heard a knock on his door "come in" he said not looking up from his book matt then came in with mello "near roger is calling for all the children right now in the activity area" matt said near glanced at them then set down his book and stood up

" you know why?" He asked

"All I know is L's contacting the orphanage to talk to the children" mello said not looking at near, near's face then lit up by the sound of L's name "well then lets go!" Near exclaimed walking out of his room and straight to the activity area matt and mello looked at him weirdly "h-h-hey wait up!" Matt yelled

Once they all got to the activity area near saw jake and piere those two were the ones who keep bullying him physically and emotionally but he doesn't mind the two stared at near and near stared back with no emotions as always mello saw what was happening even though near was his rival and they bicker a lot but that doesn't mean he's gonna let people bully him so he took near by the arm and dragged him at the back and matt followed them then they all sat there

"What did you do that for?" Near asked mello

Mello snickered "if you kept that up they'll end up bullying again..we wouldn't want that now would we?"

Near just stayed quiet then look at the laptop that was in front the letter L appeared on the screen "hello everyone I called just to deliver a short see I heard that there are few bullies inside the orphanage " he said I froze a bit because...near was sure this was about him but how did he know

"Hey near did you tattle on piere and jake?" Matt whispered to near, near shook his head

"No" he answered

"Now I want all of you to know that me and watari don't tolerate such behaviors...bullying is almost a crime and it hurts people bullies are far more worst than monsters they are horrible creatures who walk in our world I'm pretty sure that I catch monsters like those so I suggest you stop before you get for near and mello I heard you two have been bickering a lot I know you two are rivals but I want you to get along okay? good everyone because it's not a crime to get along with people " L said then the laptop closed

Everyone was whispering and near glanced at jake and piere they were already looking at near and was glaring at him

..this won't be good he thought to himself

Once they were all dismissed matt and mello went somewhere to play games but before they go "hey near.."

"Yes mello" near said looking at him

"I'll try to get along with you but that doesn't mean we're friends"

"I understand..."

Near then went to the bathroom to wash his hands jake and piere came in angry

"How dare you tell L about us!" Piere yelled near did not look at them

"I didn't I never told anyone..I'm a bit shocked that he found out as well"

Jake held on near and piere punched him on the stomach "liar!"

The older guy beat near up he kicked him he punched him he slapped him over and over until he was bleeding jake then slam him on the ground "thats what you get for being a tattle tale!" Jake yelled then him and piere walked away near slowly stood up groaning in pain he sighed then limped his way to his room but he fell on the ground again once he got out of the bathroom he felt dizzy and he was about to pass out

"Near!" He heard someone yell then everything went black
Roger was walking down the halls but he saw two boys jake and piere laughing while walking out of the bathroom he was curious then a few moments later he saw near limping he gasped a bit then when near fell on the ground
"Near!" He yelled then ran over to the boy and carried him and brought him to the infirmary

Once he got there he let the nurse take care of near then he took out his phone and called L

"Hello?" He heard L say to the phone

"L! Something bad happened two boys beat up near and now he's passed out he's bleeding bad"

He heard L gasp "I'll try to go there but I can't promise anything I am pretty busy"

"Okay" roger said

"Just tell Near to stay strong okay?"

"Yes okay"
Near woke up after 5 hours his body in pain

"Hello near are you alright?" Roger asked near looked at him "my body is in pain but yes im alright"

"Don't worry i can assure you that there will be huge punishment for what they done to you L said to stay strong near what ever happens just continue to stay strong" Roger told him near felt happy "L? he coming over?"

Roger nodded "yes now get some rest im just gonna go some where" he said then stood up and went outside near sighed and looked at the ceiling "heeey near" matt said coming in with mello following him "hi" near mumbled "heard what happened...why didn't you just fight back? Look at you and you said i was weak" mello told him

Near sighed "there is no point of fighting back it will only get worst and besides...there were two of them and only one of me"

"Pathetic how can you be L's successor if you can't even fight for yourself!" Mello yelled at him matt and near looked at him weirdly "why are you so affected anyways it wasn't you who was beaten up" near mumbled mello froze then looked down and didn't speak again

"Awkward" matt mumbled then they all just stared at each other
a week later near was a bit better but upset because L had not come to visit him he waited for l he was disappointed he didn't know why but he was..

He was in his room finishing his puzzles because he think that if he finishes all his puzzles L would show up but he was wrong.

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