First Date (One shot)

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Well I started to think whether I'll continue or not and some of you told me to continue so I'll continue writing one shots. Thank you for supporting me and I'm so thankful to have you guys. Starting today I'll update and honestly I will wrote a new story.

Not a fan fiction, it is my own story. The story that I will wrote is 'The Shadow Contract'.

I deleted my last account and abandoned my Filipino story, I want to focus in this account and continue to update my stories in this continue.

Well I have a news for you, my birthday is coming. (I'm not that excited) I just wanted to share hehe.

Thank you for reading my story. ⊙﹏⊙



(Your POV)

"Hey (y/n)" gray said while touching your hair.

"What do you want?" You questioned him.

"Let's go on a date"

You looked at him with a confused face.

"Why are you looking at me like you don't know the word date?"

"Well to be honest, I'm not familiar with that word" you said while your finger is in your chin and thinking.

"Seriously, you are already in a relationship but you did not bother to know what date means?" He said sarcastically.

"As I know date means dating with a person you like" you said to gray.

Gray sighed and he continued touching your hair but it is like he is already doing something in your hair like braiding it.

"I know the meaning but I don't understand what it means" gray stopped.

"Are you that dumb?"

You looked at him with an angry face. "I'm not dumb! I'm just dumb when it comes in love!" You shouted.

"Then your still dumb" he said with a grin in his face.

You turned around and looked at the water in front of you. (The picture above is the scenario where you and gray takes place or the first setting)

"I don't know much things about love but you're the reason why I learned that thing" you whispered.

"What did you say?" Gray questioned you.

"I said nothing"

"Your lying" he said while brushing the tip of your hair on his cheeks.

"You are my first" you said out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"My first love, my first boyfriend" you said.

"You forgot that I'm your first kiss" gray said with a teasing voice.

You blushed but you hide it because you don't want that gray will found out that your blushing.

"And maybe I will be the first man that will do some dirty stuff with you on your own bed" and gray grinned.

You blushed but you kept hiding it until you feel his breath on your ears. "And I'll make you say things that is erotic" gray said with a husky voice.

You shivered and because you cannot hold your feelings anymore, you shoved him away and looked at him with an unexplained expression (tell me, what will be your reaction if your crush will say things like what gray said. That will be your reaction)

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