The Punishment With Gray

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Before the story begin

I think I will make an English version of frio wa mahika (yoshino shadow)

That's my original story though its Filipino and not English, just comment if anyone wants me to make an English version of it

And thank you for reading my story

The Punishment With Gray

(Your POV)

"Why am I here anyway" gray started to be angry

"Why your here?! Because you start this trouble and I am in this punishment because of you!" You said sarcastically

"You are the one who started it" gray argued

"No I'm not,you're the one"

You and gray started shouting of reasons why you are in this trouble when you and gray don't know that erza is inside her house

"Stop arguing!" You two look behind and found out that erza is there with a black aura

"You two shut up and continue this punishment, if you do not finish this punishment before the sun falls then another punishment tommorow" erza said

"WHAT!" You two shout in unison

You start cleaning again and you notice fierce is there watching you while drinking cola

"What? This is the trouble you make and I'm not helping you with that"

'Oh come on, I'm so tired and I wanna sleep' you thought to yourself

You continue cleaning erza's house until you done

When cleaning is done...

"Men I'm exhausted" you sighed

"You want drink?"

You look who's talking to you and saw gray

"Uhmm thank you"

"I'm giving this to you but that's not mean your my friend now or what" he said and drink the cola he buy

"Well OK" and you drink the cola that gray gave you

'I don't think his bad at all, maybe?' You thought and drink the cola

Yay my birthday is coming haha

But I'm not too excited about it because I don't have money to buy foods for my birthday

Hihi thanks for reading my story minasan

Gray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now