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Talking bad things at the back of a person. Judging person's appearance. All humans who lived in this world is not perfect. Even me, I'm not perfect but I don't care if I hurt any person's feelings. Why? Because all people are hurting each other, at the end you will say the truth no matter what. I hate you, after all I'm telling my true feelings. You don't know how to be bullied in years, that all people are always judging and all people thinking that your just a little girl who don't have courage to fight or defend yourself. Shut the crap up you idiot, I'm not a coward little girl, I'll fight back and defend myself. Don't think that because I'm little you can take any advantage to make me more smaller than you. You wanna know the truth? I'm a hotheaded person, I don't care if I hurt one person's feeling because I'm angry. Sorry it's just I'm became like this because of you people. I know that you people are already talking on my back and thank you for talking behind my back because all of you say to one person is true. Why, do I need to change for all you people who surrounds me? Shut up, I'm a bad person not a good person. I hate you people, people who always making me smaller than you. If in the story there's a protagonist and antagonist. In your story I'm the antagonist and your the protagonist. My true color is not a cheerful otaku girl but a psycho who wants to kill your lifeless life. Shut your ******* mouth. You don't know me. Do I have mercy and make an apology that I make to you earlier? No, I don't have mercy, why do I even apologize to you. Saying I'm a b*tch? I'm not a b*tch I'm a sh*t you crap. Saying that I'm a b*tch? Huh that was so funny. I'm small and don't have a right physical body to fight but don't you ever dare talk to me like your the right between us. It's my fault but I will not gonna say sorry, this days I'm always in a bad mood because of you people. If you want to make my reputation ruined then fine, at least the words from your mouth is true not a ******* lie! I don't care if my reputation is already ruined because of this long speech because I know that other people in this world are already thinking that I'm smaller than them. Call me an idiot, crazy, obsessed in anime but don't you ever dare say that I'm a b*tch. You always thought that anime and wattpad are just a waste of time and is just a non sense things. I have a reason why I love this two things. Because they always escape me to this crappy world that I'm living in. I'm always living in my own imagination and not in the real world. If the one who reads this already insult me and starting to hate me then my response will be I hate your ******* a******e and I don't care if my reputation will be ruined at least I let out this feeling not keeping it inside. If your a d**** then go to h*** you ******* a******e.

This is what I post in my Facebook. Sorry for not updating, I'm just in a bad mood. I want to update this February but every time I wanted to write they will ruin my mood. Tss I always hate them for thinking that I'm smaller than them. It's my first time to say bad words. I'm sharing this because I wanted to ease the pain. Sorry but I think I'll update maybe not now but next time. Saying that I'm a b*tch, I'm not a f*cking slut you bastard. Saying words that not is right, shut up I'm not your friend anymore you f*cking idiot.


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