This Feeling

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This Feeling

(Your POV)

Since the day when the others came back

They celebrate there come back and you

You are just staring to someone

And it is gray

Since the day when you hug him

You had this feeling

Feelings like love

You don't know why, your so confuse

And when juvia always sticking to gray

You feel, jealousy

You wanna shout juvia that

'Don't be too close to gray' but you cannot say it because

You don't have an authority for it to say that sentence

And now your just watching gray and natsu arguing with each other


"Hey what are you doing!" You shouted

"Do you have any problem?"

You looked to Lucy and shouted again

"Yeah I have a problem, a big big problem about this damn heart, I'm freaking out so freaking out"

"Uhmm can you just relax first"

"I can't relax easily because of this feeling, I'm like an idiot now shouting to you"

"Yeah you look idiot" you looked who say that and you saw gray

His face is closer to you and you freak out and you suddenly punch him

"Oww why did you do that" gray shouted

"Its your fault why I'm like this, why did my heart chose you even though I hate you, I'm so confuse now!" You shouted to him

Gray is shocked when you said that

Minutes past when you realize what you said

'What the, whats happening to me, why did I say that'

You looked to everyone and everyone is looking at you

Because of embaracement, you run as faster as you can so no one can reach you

'It is so embarrassing' you thought and run

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