The Escape

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xx Jess


As I stared out the window I hatched a plan and decided to put it into action. This room had a balcony with a spiral staircase leading to the main road, so luckily I didn't have to jump. As I opened the window, the crisp breeze blew my hair everywhere. I quietly climbed out and started walking down the staircase. 

"I'm free!" I screamed, I quickly covered my mouth after I realised I might of been a bit too loud. 

As I reached the last 2 steps I jumped off and started to walk quickly towards the main road, but before I could reach the crossing I felt a pair of hands on my waist and I was pulled back into Daniels arms. I have to admit, being this close to him kinda felt nice. But no, snap out of it Jess, he's your kidnapper!!

"Ahhh let me go! Let me go!" I screamed, Daniel had put me over his shoulders. I was kicking so much I thought my legs would fall off. 

"Stop kicking, jeez! You're so fricken strong for a girl!" 

"Yeah and I'll beat your ass up in a minute if you don't LET ME GO!" 

He ended up letting me go, I should be relieved but he dropped me straight on my ass, causing me to scream out in pain. 

"What the- Why did you have to do that for?!"

"You wanted me to let you go didn't you?" Daniel said trying to hold in his laughter. 

"Oh, you think this is funny? You practically threw me onto the ground and now I probably have a bruise on my ass!" I crossed my arms. 

"Oh come on, I'm sure it didn't hurt that bad. You look like you have a soft ass anyway." 

"WHAT! What the hell is wrong with you!" 

"I just mean that it's big so like, you know, more cushioning.." Daniel said laughing. 

"Oh my god, you are so beyond weird!" 

"Why were you trying to escape? Is my place really that bad?" 

"No, your place is beautiful but I would much rather be at home with my family and my friends, you know, and not kidnapped!" 

"Look, just come back please. I'll explain everything over dinner." 

"And why should I come back?" 

"Because if you don't, you and your mum will be in danger, and Ruby." 

"Yeah okay, I'll come back." I said nervously. 


"How do you like your steak Jess?" Daniel called out. 

"Uh, cooked." I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny." 

"Just cook it however you want, it's probably going to be bad anyway." 

As I sat at the dinner table waiting for my meal, Daniel's brother Nathan was also with me. He didn't say anything actually, he just sat there quietly looking at his phone. I thought about making conversation with him but I didn't. 

"Here you go, enjoy hunny" 

"Oh for gods sake, It's Jess!" 

Okay I gotta admit, the steak looked pretty damn good and the mash potato did also, not to mention it smelt Devine. 

"Well doesn't this look good, NOT!" I said laughing. 

"Just shut up and eat it." Daniel said as he rolled his beautiful blue eyes. 

"So are you going to tell me now? You know, why I'm here.." 

"Oh, uh, yeah right.. Well, you see a couple of years ago I was struggling to get into the University that I chose, I didn't really have the money either. So one day as I was walking out of the Uni a guy approached me. Mathew, that's his name. Anyway, he apparently had been watching me and Nathan for years now and he knew that I was struggling to get into the Uni. He offered me $20,000, how could I not refuse that. I said yes but there was a catch. I had to kidnap a girl for him, I don't know why but thats what he wanted. He told me he had been watching a girl for a while and he needed her for something, he then gave me the address and told me what I had to do and it led me to you, your house. But when I saw how beautiful you were, I knew it was a mistake but I did it anyway. And yeah, that's it really.." 

I didn't even know what to say, I was angry that he could do such a thing just for money but apart of me also felt sad for him. Oh god, don't even get me started on the part where he said I was beautiful. That made me get butterflies. 

"Oh. I see.. Why the hell did you take his deal? Are you that stupid? I mean, seriously Daniel? Do you have any idea how it feels to be ripped away from your home! Your family and your friends!" I got up from the table and ran into my room.

"Jess, wait!" Daniel said as he ran after me. 

"Go away, leave me alone!"

"I'm not leaving you, just let me talk to you!" 

"What. Do. You. WANT?!" I yelled as I walked up to him. 

Oh god, his eyes were so blue I could get lost in them. FOCUS, focus Jess. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jess but I, I just had to take the money. I wanted to make my mum proud." 

"Where is your mum? I don't see her around. Did she leave you because your such a tool?" 

Shit, did I really just say that? Daniel's face was heartbreaking. 

"Hmm. She did leave me. Cancer. Cancer took her from me Jess, and the only thing she wanted me to do was to get into a good Uni and look after Nathan." Daniel walked to the bed and sat down, running his hand through his hair and letting a few tears drop onto his cheek. 

"Oh Daniel, I'm so, I'm so sorry. I didn't know! I'm just mad, I miss my mum and I miss Ruby. But if It makes you feel any better, my dad also died of Cancer. 1 Year ago." 


"No, it's okay." I said sitting down next him. 

"You know, I'm not going to hurt you. Whatever Mathew wants with you, I'll be sure to protect you." 

"Why? You don't even know me? Why are you so nice to me?" I said looking at him. 

At this point we were both sitting next to each other on the bed, my heart was beating so fast. Apart of me wanted to kiss him and apart of me wanted to slap him.. 

"I don't know, I just know that when I saw you, it was like you switched something on inside of me. Look, you're beautiful and if you wanna leave just go than, I'll work something out with Mathew." Daniel said as he started to walk outside the door. 

"I'll stay, I'm gonna help you. By the way Daniel.." 


"Your mum would be proud of you." I said smiling. 

"For what?" Daniel said laughing. 

"For being such a nice guy." 

"Oh. It's nothing." 

Was Daniel blushing? I think yes. 

"I should get some sleep now, goodnight." 

"Goodnight, Jess" 

As Daniel shut the door I changed out of my clothes and got into a grey t-shirt he had left me and just ended up sleeping in my underwear. It's comfortable okay! I started to think about Ruby and my mum, are they okay? Are they looking for me? I slowly started to drift into sleep. 

I fell for my Kidnapper! (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now