Chapter 1 -We can be friends

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Dan's POV
I woke up to the sound of my ringing alarm, and groaned in annoyance. I rolled onto my side as I stopped it, and then rolled back onto my back as I stared up at the plain, white ceiling and sighed.

Get up fatass! My stepfather's voice yelled to me in my mind. I shook my head as I remained in my bed. Why should I want to get up? It's not like I have anything important to do. I am all warm and cozy in my bed, why should I want to get up, especially when it is starting to get cold? Everything I care about is in this room, so things like food, water and human interaction isn't important right now.

I picked up my laptop and started to mindlessly browse through Tumblr, something I do on a daily basis. Some of the things I see are cool and creative, and other things are disturbing and I instantly regret looking at it.
I let out another sigh as I logged out of Tumblr and put my laptop aside. All of a sudden, I hear my mum's footsteps come up to my door and she pounds it with her fist.

"Dan get up! School starts in fifteen minutes!" She orders, and I curse under my breath as I throw my black and white checkered duvet off of me and jump out of bed as I search for clothes to wear. I then straighten my short, brown hair and chuck on a pair of converse. I then look myself in the mirror and I make sure that I looked depressing enough. I was wearing a long-sleeved, black shirt and one of my many pairs of black jeans, and a black hoodie. I then nodded my head in satisfaction as I swung my bag over my shoulder and opened the door. I started heading for the stairs, when I am suddenly shoved against the wall, and I keep my head lowered as my drunk step-father shouts,

"Why did you take so long you little sh*t? Your mum has to go and you were holding everybody up! You are a disgrace to her, a failure of a son!!" He shoves me into the wall again, and then heads down the stairs. I wiped away the tears from my eyes as I walk down the stairs, wincing as I feel a big, purple bruise forming on my back. I kiss my mum goodbye and I start walking to school.

At this point, you're probably wondering who I am. My name is Daniel James Howell, Dan for short. I live with my mum and my abusive, alcoholic step-father who Mum and I can't escape from. You're probably wondering where my dad is, well a six years ago, my dad died, after the cancer had spread throughout his entire body and eventually stopped his heart. It was really hard for Mum and I, since to us, he was the best person in the whole wide world. I was able to tell him anything, and he would always tuck me into bed at night when I was little. He would play doctor with me when Mum had a cold, and he would take me for hikes in the woods and we would build snowmen in the winter. We were pictured as the perfect family of three.

After he died, my mum met my step-father, and at first he seemed like a nice man. Mum eventually re-married, and I was angry with my mum for replacing Dad. But then we realised that my step-father was an alcoholic, and we couldn't escape him. I remember one night, a bunch of kids who I thought were my friends were over, and he had drunk too many beers. He announced that I was Bi-sexual in front of everyone, and I cried for hours on end. It had taken me forever to finally come out to my Mum and other relatives. Then, the next day at school, my friends all turned on me, and the news quickly spread around the school, and that's when the bullying started, just because I was slightly different.

And slowly overtime, I have become the depressed, broken shell of the happy and optimistic person I used to be, with only so much time left before it all becomes too much, and I realise that I have no more reasons to keep on living.

Anyway, to lighten the subject slightly, my favourite things to do are listen to music, play video games, spend infinite hours on the internet, watch movies and watch youtube videos. I am in no way sporty whatsoever.

Well, I think that's enough about me for now, I guess I should continue this story. I'm sorry that this isn't what you were expecting my story to be like, but not all stories are happy ones, and that's the truth.
I finally arrived at school, with only a few minutes left before homeroom started. I took a deep breath as I entered through the gates, and suddenly feeling the urge to run the other way, but I ignored it. I walked into the building, and up the stairs and just arrived at homeroom as the bell rang. I went inside, and walked up to the back and sat down in my usual seat next to the window. The teacher acknowledged my presence, but didn't speak to me, because as far as all my teachers are concerned, I don't speak. I hardly speak at all these days.

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