"What about her powers? She's a witch too, can she do anything?" Both Aaron and Tanner looked at me.

"Oh.. I don't know. I've never tried any magic or anything." I felt awkward with them both staring at me.

"See if you can try anything, you've seen how your grandfather casts some spells. Maybe you can just go through the motion." Tanner suggested.

"Alright, I'll try." I waved my hand, not really sure what I was aiming for. Unsurprisingly nothing happened. I tried a few different hand motions but they all had the same effect. I decided to try something new, and put my arm out in front of me. I faced my palm in front of me and flicked my wrist. Nothing happened at first, but I felt something just.. There. Like some power rising up in my arm. My hand started to feel sort of heated.

I did the motion a few more times, and then it happened. A fireball flew out of my palm and whizzed past Aaron's head. Hitting the wall and making it flame. Aaron shot up faster than I ever saw someone move. He ran to the corner and retrieved a fire extinguisher, putting out the blaze. After it was out, a black burn mark was left on the wall. Both of their heads swiveled toward me.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry. I didn't know I would just... Shoot out a fireball!" I gasped, feeling so stupid.

"That was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen!" Aaron exclaimed, looking pumped.

"It's okay, dear. That wall needed to be repainted anyways. That was really interesting though. I didn't know you could shoot fireballs. " Tanner sounded pretty impressed.

"Sorry again. What if I end up burning the house down?" Dread filled me at the thought.

Almost as if on cue, a portal opened right in the office. Adonis walked out, and when he saw me he smiled. We hugged and he pulled out something from behind his back. It was a little wrapped package, with a small bow on it. He handed it to me, and I took it.

"Here you go, I forgot to give you this. You'll be needing some sort of training as a witch. Since my help will be limited, this is perfect for you. No witch or wizard is complete without one."

"Thanks so much. By the way, this is Tanner's beta Aaron." I gestured toward Aaron, and he gave a small wave.

"Nice to meet you Aaron. I must be going now, got so many things to attend to." Adonis bowed, and then walked back into the portal, it closing up behind him.

I looked at the small parcel in my hands. Carefully unwrapping it I looked it over. It was a book with a purple/blue cover. 'Spellbook' was written neatly on the cover in large letters. Both Aaron and Tanner were watching me.

"So it's a spellbook I see. What does it look like on the inside?" Aaron asked.

I opened the cover and there were some chapters listed. Categories like Spells, Incantations, Wards, Conjuring, Familiars, Elements, and a few other categories. It then gave a page number for where each category started. I flipped to the familiars section and read. You could summon anything from treants to squirrels. Some of them required items or for you to say words. Easier ones just required a simple movement of the hand. It said that you just had to think hard about what you wanted to summon.

"What exactly are you reading?" Tanner looked super confused.

I pointed at some of the spells on the page. "Just some spells, why?"

Aaron started looking just as confused as Tanner. "There's nothing there. The pages are completely empty."

"What? This book is filled with a ton of spells."

"I haven't seen any words on the pages either. It looks like an empty book to me." Tanner was confused.

It hit me then why they couldn't see anything on the pages. "It must be.. Enchanted. So that no one can see what it holds unless they're a witch or wizard."

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