Bonus Chapter ~ Head's Up!

Start from the beginning

'This is why your my favorite niece.'

I scoffed, 'I'm telling Jess.'

'She already knows. Your still gonna be my favorite.'

As I was typing a reply, I heard people shout. Some said, "Head's up!" while others said, "Ball!"

I looked up in perfect time to drop my phone and catch the ball before it could hit me.

I looked at the ball before looking for the field it came from. "Over here." I turned to see a guy running up to me from the little league field I was by. He looked about my age. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked about 6' tall which is 6" taller than me.

I put the ball out towards him, "I think this is yours."

He laughed, "Yeah, I think so. Thanks. Are you okay?" He said grabbing the ball.

"Yeah, I'm good. I caught it before it hit me. Speaking of which." I bent down and picked up my phone.

"You caught it? You must have baseball in your blood or something because most teenage girls would cry about their nails or hair or something stupid like that." He said, making me laugh.

"Not me. I mean, yeah I care about that stuff but not as much as I care about sports."

"A beautiful girl who cares about sports more than her hair and makeup? So my prayer was heard."

I blush and look down. "Shut up."

He chuckled, "My name's Will." He said sticking his hand out.

I grabbed his hand and shook it before replying, "Shelbi." We were still shaking hands and it made me feel all tingly inside. What the hell?

I pulled my hand and cleared my throat. "I better get back to my brothers game. It was nice meeting you."

"You, too. Maybe we'll see each other around."

"Maybe." I smiled before walking away.

I sat down next to my mom and aunts. Uncle Max was the assistant coach, so he was on the field while Uncle Ry was by the fence, coaching from the sidelines. I sighed before turning to my mom.

"I hate you both so much. Thanks for answering my text. Assholes. I could be dead." I said making my mom raise her eyebrows at me, "Wait, no. That wasn't it. It was 'I hate you both so much. Thanks for answering my text. I could be dead for all you know. Assholes.' Yeah that was it. By the way, that was a message from Uncle E. He called me his minion again. I really worry for his mental health sometimes."

She rolled her eyes, "Honey, I've been worrying about his mental health since he was born."

I laugh quietly before I start thinking about Will. He was pretty cute, if we're being honest. I mean, his Like, major wow. His eyes were so sparkly and lit up when we talked. His smile, oh man, don't get me started on his smile. It showed his perfect, straight, white teeth and his dimples perf-

"Shelbi? You okay?" I heard my mom ask.

"Hmm?" I said.

Auntie Taylor grinned, "Isn't it obvious? She met a guy."

"Pfft. What? No, I didn't." I said, rolling my eyes.

Aunt Grace laughed, "Honey, your face is the same face your mom made after she met your father. Yes, you did meet a guy."

I laughed and turned to them, "Okay, so maybe I met a guy. All we did was talk for a minute and then introduce ourselves before leaving."

"That's so adorable! What was his name?" My mom said, her eyes lighting up. Oh boy, she hasn't acted like this since my older brother met his girlfriend of 4 years now.

"What does he look like?" Aunt Grace said.

"Do you like him?" Auntie Taylor says.

Before I can reply though, three voices join in from behind me.

"Who are we talking about?" Uncle Ry says.

I smile, "Nobody, Uncle Ry."

"Does who like who?" I turn to my dad and Uncle Max as they stand with their arms crossed.


"I was asking if Shelbs liked the boy she just met." Auntie Taylor said cutting me off.

My eyes widen and I turn towards her, "No, I don't. I just met him and it was only because I almost got hit by a baseball."

"Who is this kid?" My dad asked with narrowed eyes.

I groaned, "Dad, I don't know. Some random guy I just met. All I know is that his name is Will." I said blushing as I remembered the compliment he gave me before saying his name.

My dad narrowed his eyes even more, "Why are you blushing?"

"No reason, I just remembered a compliment he gave me. That's all." I said trying to calm my cheeks.


"Babe, leave her alone. She just met the guy. She might not see him ever aga-"

"Shelbi!" I turn and see Will running up to me with a smile on his face. "Hey. I have a question."

I gulp, "Yes?"

He grins, "The main coach of my brother's team saw you catch the ball earlier. He wanted me to ask you if you would like to help out with practices?"

"I mean, wow, really?" I ask and he nods. "I guess so. I have nothing better to do."

"Great! Give me your number and I'll text you the team schedule." He said, handing me his phone.

I quickly type in my number, not wanting my family to embarrass me. "Here you go."

"Awesome. I'll see you later?"

I nod, "Later." I look at my family before turning back towards him. "Wait! Will! Who's the main coach?"

He grins, "That would be me. Can't wait for you help out there, righty." He said, winking.

I smile and blush. I look back at my family. My brother and cousins look discussed. My mom and aunts looked excited. Then there is my uncles and dad, who look ready to beat the crap out of somebody.

"I don't like him but that was smooth as fuck." Uncle Max said first.

"Yeah, well I don't like him." Dad said.

"Come on, dad. What's the big deal? We'll just be teaching baseball."

"Yeah, dude. Worse thing is they make it through all the bases and get to home base." Uncle Max said, laughing at his own joke. I just sat there uncomfortably.

Dad glared at him then me, "You're not coaching."

My mom sighed and hugged him from the side, "What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that my daughter might start liking a baseball player."

My mom grinned at me then at him, "Well, I fell in love with one and I'm fine."

He tries not to smile but fails. He sighs, "I really don't like this."

"It'll be fine." She said before kissing him, "Besides, what's wrong with a little baseball love?"

I smiled. She always told us that while we were growing up. So, yeah, what's wrong with a little baseball love?


Hey! I'm debating on what I should do. Would any of you read their daughters story? I already have another book planned but I could start writing that one too. Let me know!

Thank you all for reading! I have a few things left to post and work on. This book is almost completely done though.

I'll keep updating though!

Love all of y'all!


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