Chapter 10

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PANIC! "Emmett, hurry up! You're going to be late for the game." I screamed from the bottom of the steps. Going into the kitchen, I grabbed some waters and a gatorade of Emmett.

Once I lock the house and we get into the car, I hear my phone ringing. Without checking who it is, I put in on speaker, "Hello?"

I hear someone chuckle before they reply, "It's me. I was wondering after all these years, you'd like to meet. To go over everything. They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I ain't done much healing." I laugh as Max sings horribly off key. 

Next thing I know, Jason joins in, "Hello? Can you hear me? I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be. When we were younger and free. I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at your feet."

Then Max and Jason both sang, "There's such a difference between us and a million miles."

Emmett and I look at each other and smile. Before Max and Jason can continue, Emmett and I burst out singing, "Hello from the other side!! I must of called a thousand times!! To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done!! But when I call you never seem to be home!!" Emmett has to stop singing because he's laughing to much but I continue, "Hello from the outside!! At least I can say that I've tried!! To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart. But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore."

I laugh as Emmett starts clapping but stop when I hear more claps. My eyes go wide when I remember what started our singing fest. "So, uh," I said clearing my throat, "anyway, is there a specific reason y'all are calling me?"

"Yes, in fact there is, Miss Adele Jr." Max says matter-of-factly. "We were calling to see what you and your awesome brother were doing today, at this very moment."

"Right now, we are currently on the way to Emmett's baseball game. Why?"

"Well boo. We were going to the mall but obviously you can't come." There is a couple of moments of silence, "When is his game, out of curiosity?" Max asked.

"Ummm, 10 minutes," I say as I pull into the park. Emmett grabs his bag and jumps out as soon as I park.

"We'll see you later. BYE EMILY!" I pull the phone away from my ear when Max screams.


**25 minutes later**

"Whoo! Let's go blue!" Grace and I scream. Taylor comes running back to the stands with her nachos.

One of the kids hits the ball and gets to second. Emmett runs and slides into home. He stands up and waves but not in our direction. I turn and see two grinning boys decked out in navy blue. They're both wearing  cheeky smile when they come and sit by us.

I rolled my eyes, "Took y'all long enough."

Max waves me off while Jason replies, "Yeah, well Cinderella here wanted to look good for a change."

Max smacks him upside the head while we all laugh at his hurt expression. "I am not Cinderella, if anything, I am Sleeping Beauty. Thank you very much!" He says and turns back towards the game.

We all laughed again and watched the game with him. 

**After the game**

"All right, you get to choose where we eat, since you won." I told Emmett.

"Yes! Let's go to Joey's! Can Jason and Max come?" He turns to them with a hopeful expression.

They laugh, "Of course, we wouldn't miss this celebratory dinner."

"Yes! Let's go."

Taylor left for a family thing but Grace, Emmett, and I met them at the restaurant and find that they already got us a table. I see Dylan smirking at me as he walks away from the booth. When we go to the booth, Max is laughing and Jason's jaw is clenched. Jason notices us and slides out to let Emmett in between him and Max. I sit at the end of the booth next to Jason and Grace sits across from me next to Max.

We order our pizza and talk while we wait. "Emily, Truth or Dare?" Max asked.

"Um, I'm going to go with truth." I say when I see his facial expression.

"Boo. You're no fun." He frowns and looks around and then turns to me with a smile, "How many boyfriends have you had?"

I shrug, "Zero." Dylan brings our pizza and goes back to work.

Jason and Max look at me like I grew a second head. "What?" I ask.

"You've never had a boyfriend?" Jason asks.

"How? I mean, look at you. You're hot!" Max says, which earns him a smack on the head from Jason.

"I don't know. There were no good guys worth it?" I replied.

"Hmm. Jason, Truth or Dare?" Max says.

"Um, truth." Max glares at him. "Fine, dare. Jeez, don't get your panties in a wad."

Max smirks and looks at me, I raise my eyebrow at him. "I dare you to do something unexpected tonight."

Jason sighs, "Okay, fine. Whatever."

We told them bye and went home. Grace went home after having her pizza because she had cousins come to surprise her and she wasn't there. Emmett was in the shower now, while I was watching Pitch Perfect. There was knock at the door.  I got up to go see who it is. When I peek through the peephole and see Jason looking really nervous.

Opening the door, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

He looked at me, "I'm doing the unexpected."

"What do you me-" I'm cut off when he grabs my face with both hands and his lips find mine. Without hesitation, I kiss him back. We kiss for what feels like forever but is more like 5 minutes. When we both pull away, he rest his forehead on mine and I look at his face. His lips are swollen and his eyes are wide with shock of what just happened. I'm sure I look the same way. Holy crap, he looks really hot right now.

He clears his throat, "Yeah, so, yeah, I'm just going to go now." He runs to his car and drives away. I'm still frozen in place trying to figure out what just happened.

All of the sudden, I hear Emmett whisper, "You actually kissed him. Oh my gosh, y'all kissed." He looks shocked that it happened and disgusted because he just saw his sister get kissed.

There are only two things going on in my mind right now:

1) I just kissed Jason.

2) What happens now?


So, um, yeah, that happened. I'm just going to leave this here for now.

Hope you enjoyed. Did any of you expect that to happen so soon? What do you think is going to happen to their "Relationship" now? What about their impromptu karaoke session?

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