Chapter 3

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Picture is of Joey's Pizzeria. Hope you like the chapter. My page has an email for y'all to send me media and stuff. (Youtube videos, Covers, etc.)



I woke up at 12:30. I had to get ready for work soon. I work at Joey's Pizzeria on the Main Road. Joey is really nice so I won't get in trouble if I'm late. Joey has known me since I was born. He went to school with my parents.

Groaning, I got out of bed to see it was around 1:30. Guess I better get ready.

I made it to work exactly at 2 o'clock. Joey greeted me with a smile. "Hey kiddo, just in time."

"Hey, Uncle J, was it busy today?"

"The usual customers and a few new ones. How's everyone?"

"Everyone's good. Emmett's tournament got cancelled because of the rain. Mom is, well, being mom and Dad is busy with work." I said, sighing, "The usual."

Joey gave a me a sympathetic look. "He'll come around. You know he has always been like that."

"I know. Come on. Let's get to work."

"Haha, that's my girl."

I walked to the back and saw Taylor on the phone. Being the amazing friend I am, I decide to scare her. I walked on my tiptoes and right when I'm about to scare her, my other coworker, Dylan, says, "Already scared her, Em. Might not be a good idea."

Taylor turned to glare at me and Dylan while we busted out in laughter. "Y'all suck."

I gave her an innocent smile, "What are you looking at?"

"I got an email about an art contest coming up."

"OMG! You have to sign up and compete."

"Way ahead of you."

The bell by the door went off multiple times, signaling someone entering. Taylor got up and went to the cash register. I stayed back because I'll deliver the food. That's our system, we alternate, this time she worked the cash register and next customer I"ll work it.

**Ten Minutes Later**

"Em, pizza's ready for table 5." Dylan called.

Grabbing the pizza, I said, "K, be right back, don't miss me to much."

"Don't worry, I won't." He said with a straight face.

I walked away and called back, "You know you love me Dyl!" He laughed at that and went back to making the pizza. I smiled to myself.

I made it to table 5 and before I could look up and say something, my name was called, "Emily!"

I looked up and saw Max and smiled, "Hi Max."

"I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah, I've worked here for 3 years now."

"Oh, cool. You know, Jason is gonna be here in a few minutes." He smirked.

One of the guys replied before I could, "Who cares. Hey, name's Jack."

"Emily. I'm going to get back to work. Bye, Max."

I turned around and bumped right into to someone. "Sorry! I wasn't wat-" I looked up and recognized the person as, "Jason?"

He smiled, "Hey, Em. You work here?"

"Yeah, I do. For 3 years now."

"Cool, when do you get off? Maybe you can come with us to the movies tonight?"

"Um, I think I get off at 5 but I don't want to intrude..."

"Nonsense, it would be a pleasure to have you join us at th-" Jason was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Out of the way!" I froze, I know that voice. "Joey! Out of my way! Where is she?!"

I paled. He wasn't supposed to find me. He wasn't supposed to be out of jail. Oh, wait until the lawyers hear from my parents. I was frozen in my place. I knew I should run but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Jason and his friends were trying to figure out what was going on, I could hear them asking me questions.

"Hey, who is that?" One guy asked.

"What's his problem?" Another one asked.

"What an idiot. Probably just some crazy ex-boyfriend or something." Max said.

"Em, are you okay?" I heard Jason ask.

I kept trying to speak, to move but I couldn't. I was completely frozen. As I kept struggling to do something, I felt a hand grab my arm and my head whipped towards the person so fast, you'd think I got whiplash. I calmed my heart just a little when I saw Taylor frantically telling me to be quiet.

"Em, we need to hide you. Like, NOW!" Taylor whisper screamed.

I could only nod. I forgot about Jason and his friends, I just needed to get out of there and soon.

"You need to leave right now!" I could hear Joey yelling.

"You shouldn't be here. WHY AREN'T YOU STILL IN PRISON?!" I heard Taylor ask this time. 'Oh, Taylor. Please don't. You're putting yourself in danger.'  I wanted to scream.

"Taylor, calm down." I heard Dylan trying to calm her.

"I got out on probation. Now, TELL ME WHERE THAT BRAT IS!"

"I don't have any brats working for me. Sorry." Joey stated calmly. 'Bad Idea' I thought. 'That will make him more angry'

"You little...I will find her sooner or later, so why not make it sooner?" I could practically hear him smirking. I shivered at how true his words probably are.

They kept arguing back and forth. All I could think about were the customers. They were probably terrified right now.

As I sat underneath the counter, waiting for him to leave, I tried getting my breathing back to normal. Finally I heard him leaving, "Fine, I'm leaving," I was getting ready to get up when the door opened but didn't close. I waited for it to close but when it didn't, I started panicking again. When he finished his sentence, "but when I find her, I'll finish the job this time! Later, Joey." My breathing stopped. My pulse stopped. My everything stopped. "And Taylor, watch your back. No need to out your life in danger for a slut." Then the door opened and closed.

I can't believe Taylor would be so stupid like that. She is going to get herself into so much trouble. I walked into the main area again. I say walked but more like dragged my feet on the floor. Dylan was holding a trembling Taylor. Joey had his head hanging down and he was frowning. "I'm gonna call her mom. She needs to know." He pulled out his phone but stopped when he looked up and saw me standing there. "Em..." Joey said slowly.

"...Clark" I stammered out. "But he's supposed to be..." I didn't finish my statement because everything went dark. I collapsed right there, in the middle of the pizzeria.

I heard a some people call my name. I heard Joey. I heard Taylor and Dylan but the voice that stuck out was Jason. I forgot he was there. Great...


Hey Guys! Ohhhh the drama is real! What do you think of Dylan? Do you think that Jason was asking Emily to the movies for a date? What about Clark? What do you think 'the Job' is?

Teaser: Jason's POV is coming again in the next chapter. We won't see Clark for at least 2 more chapters, if not more. And we finally get to meet Emily's dad. Also Will Emily tell Jason her history? Read and find out.

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