Chapter 4

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Video is 'Moves Like Jagger' by Maroon 5, covered by Tiffany Alvord.



"Nonsense, it would be a pleasure to have you join us at th-" I was interrupted by a loud voice. Come on...

"Out of the way!" I saw Emily freeze, she must know the guy. "Joey! Out of my way! Where is she?!"

Emily visibly paled. I wonder who he is...

"Hey, who is that?" Jack asked.

"What's his problem?" Ty asked.

"What an idiot. Probably just some crazy ex-boyfriend or something." Max said.

"Em, are you okay?" I heard Jason ask.

She was trying to speak, to do something, I could tell. She was completely frozen. Her head whipped towards Taylor, who had just grabbed her arm. Taylor was frantically telling Emily to be quiet.

"Em, we need to hide you. Like, NOW!" Taylor whisper screamed.

She merely nodded her head. Why would she need to hide?

"You need to leave right now!" Joey yelled.

"You shouldn't be here. WHY AREN'T YOU STILL IN PRISON?!" Taylor spoke up this time. I've never seen her this ma-wait...did she say PRISON?!?!

"Taylor, calm down." Some guy was trying to calm her.

"I got out early. Now, TELL ME WHERE THAT BRAT IS!"

"I don't have any brats working for me. Sorry." Joey stated calmly.

"Who does this guy think he is?" Max whispered in my ear. I just shrugged and put my attention back to the guy.

"You little...I will find her sooner or later, so why not make it sooner?" He smirked.

They kept arguing back and forth. All I could think about was Emily. Where is she? Is she okay? God, I hope so.

Finally I saw him leaving, "Fine, I'm leaving," He opened the door to leave before turning back to us. "But when I find her, I'll finish the job this time! Later, Joey. And Taylor, watch your back. No need to out your life in danger for a slut." Then the door closed.

I saw Emily walk in the main area again. She was dragging her feet on the floor. Dylan was holding a trembling Taylor. Joey had his head hanging down and he was frowning. "I'm gonna call her mom. She needs to know." He pulled out his phone but stopped when he looked up and saw Emily standing there. "Em..." Joey said slowly.

"...Clark" She stammered out. His name was Clark? "But he's supposed to be..." My attention was brought back to Emily as she collapsed right there, in the middle of the pizzeria.

"Emily" Joey yelled.

"Em!" Taylor and that guy screamed.

"Emily!" I screamed.

**5 Minutes Later**

Emily's head was resting in that guys lap. Not gonna lie, it bugs me...a lot. I sat glaring at him until Emily started moving.

"Ughhh." Emily's eyes opened and she smiled when she saw the guy. He smiled back. "What happened?"

"Em, do you remember anything?" He brushed her hair out of her face. Which made me glare at him harder. Max nudged me. When I turned, he was smirking.

"Yeah but I don't want to." I frowned. I don't like this guy Clark or the guy cradling Emily."Dylan, why is he here?"

"Umm,  Em..." Dylan, so that's his name, glanced at me. Emily followed his gaze and saw me.

"Oh. Hi." She said nervously. I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"You passed out. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

She smiled. Jeez her smile is gorgeous, "Thank you. I think I'm just gonna go home." She said standing up.

"You can't go by yourself." Taylor said. "I'll take you." Taylor and Emily went to get there stuff.

I decided it'd be best for me to go now, too. Emily is okay so I won't have to worry. I'm just worried about the danger this Clark guy could bring...and who Dylan is.

I was about to walk out the door when someone called my name. Turning around I saw Dylan smirking at me, "I know that you like Emily and I know you feel threatened by me." he said. Who does he think he is?

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wow, talk about childish, way to go Jason.

"Oh but you do. Why else would you be glaring at me while I was holding her head in my lap?" My jaw clenched. "But you don't have to worry. I don't see her that way, and even if I did, it's illegal to have a thing with your cousin, in my book anyway. That's just nasty." He winked.

Wait, what? Max busted out in laughter. I forgot he was there. I turned and glared at him which made him laugh harder. I glanced at Dylan and gave a quick nod before walking out of the building.

So he isn't a threat? No, it's her cousin. Her cousin. I smiled amused. I'm a jealous idiot. I need to stop getting jealous though. She isn't mine...yet. I smirked to myself.

"I know that smirk. It's your I have a plan smirk." Max said from behind me. "What are planning?"

Getting in my car, I said, "Nothing."

**Emily's POV**

"He likes you." Taylor stated as soon as we were out of the main area.

"What? No." I replied.

"Yeah, he does and you like him."

"No I don't!" I replied way to fast.

"Really?" She smirked.

"I just, I don't know okay?"

"Okay, I'll take it." She put her hands up in surrender. "Come on, let's get you home."

I walked with her to the main area and saw Jason missing, Max on the ground laughing, and Dylan smirking. Joey must still be on the phone with my parents. Where did Jason go?

Max finally calmed down and waved by before he left.

"Bye Dyl!" I called to my favorite cousin.

"Bye Em, Bye Tay."

With that we left but I was still wondering do I like Jason? No, I can't. My life is to messed up for him. I won't do that to him. Ever.

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