Chapter 7-Change

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Grade 5! omg worst fucking year ever in done with it. Ashley left me last year, I broke up with Bailey cuz we never talk anymore... But I met a new boy! :) ... then we broke up too. fuck can this get any worse oh wait yes... My teacher is a fucking asswhole. Honestly I want to murder him. He is the worst. I have no friends and I come home from school crying everyday. until one day my mom and nan showed up at school and said "you don't have to do this anymore" and they pulled me out of that school.

Thank god!!! no more rude teachers. no more annoying bitches. And no more corey! corey was the weird kid who always tried to sexually touch girls. I cant wait to get into my new school and leave this hell whole. Peace bitches! bye mr.katshit! fuck yeah! im out!

~~new school~~

Its a month before summer and I start at my new school today. Im so scared. what if they bully me just like "hoevalley" (the nickname of my old school) at least im not gonna be with the other bitches! Wait... what if there worse... 😱


Sorry its short... be sure to comment, vote and read more.

The Broken Pagez (scenegirl603)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ