Chapter 5-Kicking & Screaming

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Back in grade 1 I had started spending weekends with my dad. Fuck I hate him! He always took me to the trailer. He had to drag me out of my house for me to go. He dragged me out kicking and screaming.

Honestly I loved the trailer and my friends there. Justin, Shanna, Ashley, Brianna and my dads friends. The only thing that sucked is that my dad was almost always drunk so I had to do everything by myself. I would make cereal in the morning and eat lunch at a friends house. The only real struggle was dinner. I had to sober up my dad or find food.

Later in the night B (a friend of my dads who was fat with a big beard) would have a huge bon fire with hotdogs and marsh mellows. All the adults got really drunk and sometimes i'd steal their beer for myself and my friends.

At the end of the night I walked back to my dads trailer, folded down the couch into a bed and went to sleep.

Somedays dad was nice and took me to sandy beach or fishing or tubing but he always had a beer in his hand. I wish the police would have seen him and took him away. He's a scary man I never knew what he would do when he was drunk. A few times he had pulled down my pants behind a tree and beat me till I bawled my eyes out. He always said it was because I am a "rude and disrespectful child who needs to learn better." Sometimes I wished he would die, but most of the time I wanted to die just so the pain would end.

A few times i tried to kill myself but it never worked. Ashley always saved me. I didn't want her to see me like that though. Ashley was the only one who would make me smile and laugh at the trailer no matter how bad it got. I put up with all the beatings, yelling and starvation just to see her smile. Her smile and gentle hugs always made me feel better. I think I love her. Maybe I should tell her. Naw we have a great friendship. Everything was all worth it until Ashley said she was moving away and never coming back.


Important note!

Some characters have nicknames that they are called

Hailey = Hailz

Dylan = Dyl

Ashley = Ashie

Brianna = Bri


Ashley's P.O.V

Is her life really bad enough for her to want to kill her self everyday? I keep saving her cuz its gotten predictable. Maybe i should see what goes on for myself. Tonight i will sneak around and follow her everywhere she goes. Wait i'm scared of the dark! Maybe I can take Justin with me, but Justin wont go without Brianna, and Brianna will only go if Hailey's cousin Dyl Is there. Luckily he's always at the trailer.

It is now almost 8 o'clock it should be getting dark soon, I should start start to get the group together I will start with Justin. He only live just up the hill, hopefully he's home.

I run up the hill and do my secret know to let him know its me. (Knock, knock-knock, knock, knock-knock) we all have different knock patterns to let each other know who it is.

Justin jumps out from behind me. "boo!" He screams and scares the crap out of me so I punch him in the arm.

"Justin stop scaring me! I need your help! We are going to find out why Hailz is so depressed."

"How do you expect to do that?"

"Were going to spy on her."

"You mean stalk her?"

"Its for her own good! Now are you going to help?"

"Only if ur sister Brianna comes too."

"I know she will. Lets go get her she was just finishing dinner when I left."

We race back down the hill and ask Brianna if she will help.

"Ill only go if Dyl is there!" She says.

"Lets go get Dyl then!" Says Justin.

"But Justin he's with Hailey and if we are all hanging out Hailey will know were up to something." I try to explain. "So when he goes down the dark lane to collect firewood for the bon fire we will snatch him."

We all see Dyl and Hailz go down to where the bon fire is held so we all race through the forest to the lane where the firewood is kept.

We hear people coming down the lane but its now 9 o'clock and its too dark to see who it is, but i would know those voices anywhere its Dyl and Hailz.

"Ashie our plan to kidnap Dyl is ruined! What are we going to do now?" Brianna whispers

"Bri Hailz always ditches Dyl on the second trip. So we must be patient!" I whisper back.

We all hide and over hear Hailey say "Dylan don't you feel like someone is watching us?"

"Hailey theres nobody here stop being a puss and help with the fire wood!" Dylan snaps back.

"But Dyl I'm scared I will just stay here with the wagon" Hailey says

"Whatever scaredy cat!!" Snaps Dylan

Then Hailey walks back down the lane to the bonfire leaving Dylan alone. The perfect change for us to get him.

Justin goes around behind him and Bri and I come out in front through the bush. "Dyl please help us we have a plane but we need ur help." I tell him

"Why would I help u Ashley? I know u hate me!"

"If u wont help me then do it for Brianna and Justin and ur cousin for christ sakes! We need ur help! Without u we cant get close enough to Hailey for us to hear what is making her so sad. We need u to be a distraction. Can u do that for us?"

"Fine ill do it! But not for u... For my cousin"

"Thank-you dyl!" Brianna whispers as she kisses him on the cheek.

Dyl blushes and takes the wood to the bon fire. We sneak around for hours with Dylan as our coverup and finally overhear why shes so sad. Her dad is a mean drunken asswhole who beats her, her mom doesn't have time for her, her grandparents are over protective and she has a crush on someone who could apparently never love her back. Maybe it is worse than I thought, but I wonder who her crush is. Maybe if I can find out who her crush is I can help her ask the person out and maybe she can find love. 😄

End of Ashley's POV


Writers note

Thank you for reading my book! Its getting really hard for me to continue writing cuz the chapters are getting more emotional for me, so if you could comment and vote for my book that may help me to continue. The next chapter i have already started working on but its a really hard chapter for me to write. I will try to post soon!

(Also check out my other book "the mute button")

😍 Ily readers

Sneak peak of chapter 6 ?!?! R u excited will post it this monday hopefully :)

I cant let her leave! I cant let her leave without telling her. I have to tell her. I cant let her make me feel like this and her to move away, not knowing how I feel, but I'm scared. Scared that she wont understand, that she wont accept it, that she me back!

The Broken Pagez (scenegirl603)Where stories live. Discover now