Chapter 1-School

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The first day I was brave. I didn't cry or scream or beg not to go. I walked straight to the doors where my teacher was and just stood there until she took everyone inside.

Everyone was shy for the first little while but everyone had got along.

One day i came home and my Dad had left. I had no idea why or where he went. Then i saw my Mom, crying on the couch. My Grandma (nan) who watched me after school had asked my Mom what was wrong. She explained how my Dad had packed his stuff and left. I didn't understand much of what was happening but i gave my Mom a huge hug and grabbed tissues. Then i told her "everything will be okey."

The next few weeks were terrible

Mom kept crying.

Then the house went up for sale.

I was starting to get mad.

I never saw my Dad, but he had hurt my Mom so why should I see him.

I didn't want to go to school, I wanted to stay home and cheer up my Mom. Nothing I did cheered her up. I guess maybe I was a reminder of my Dad who had left.

Soon the house was sold and we moved in with my Mom's parents.

I thought maybe everything would be okey now. Maybe Mom would be happy.

I was wrong. It was only the beginning. Every day got harder.

I was only 4 I shouldn't have had to deal with all that. It made me upset and angry. I had to stay in for recess because I had started to act "bad". I had a "counsellor person" who would talk to me at recess .

I hated it.

Soon everyone started making fun of me. They were all bullies. Everyone that was my friend. Everyone who I had trusted.

That was the point when I really started to change. I sat alone. I had no more friends. I was a loner. I hated everyone an they hated me.

The "counsellor" couldn't figure out why I was just getting worse. No one could understand why a kindergardener was acting like such an emotional person. No one could understand my anger.

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