A Dragon and Her Horde

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to need more than that sweetie."

"My last name is pretty hard to say, trust me, Alan will be fine."

"Alright...I'm guessing Mr. Van Horn is expecting you then? I don't see you on the schedule."

"He's definitely not expecting me."

"OK...so, when did you make your appointment?"

"I don't have an appointment."

"In that case Mister...Alan, I'm going to have to ask you to head back down to the lobby and make one. Mr. Van Horn is very busy, and he can't just see anyone coming in off of the streets."

"He'll see me."

"I sincerely doubt that."

"We could do this all day, but I really don't have that kind of time. How about this, you tell him that Alan, Mouth and Claw of the Dragon Nyx is here to see him – that we have a matter of debt and honor to discuss. Tell him that, and if he doesn't let me in, I'll leave without another word."

There is just about a 90% chance that the secretary is pressing the silent alarm at her knee right now. If she is, I'm going to have to apologize to Bethany later for the mess.

After what seems like an eternity of evil stares, she shrugs her shoulders and picks up the phone.

"Mr. Van Horn, I'm sorry to bother you, but there is a Mister... Alan standing at my desk. He says he's the Mouth and Claw of the Drago...What? Are you sure about that? He doesn't even have an...No, that's fine, I'll push it back and send him right in."

The secretaries eyes follow me into Mr. Van Horn's office.


Amazingly, his office is even nicer than the floor around it – all glass and light and steel – it feels like you're flying over the city on a magic carpet made of money.

Van Horn himself is younger than a man of his apparent power should be. He looks like one of those dot com Billionaires, except with a suit that fits and a much nicer haircut.

When I enter, he waves me over with as much disdain as he can muster. It's a good act, but he can't quite keep his hands from shaking – he could learn something from Bethany.

"Have a seat. Do you want a drink? I'm getting a drink."

"No, that's fine, I don't plan on being here for long, and anyway I have to drive."

"You drive?"

"Better than taking the bus, it's too loud this time of day, and it always gets my suit all wrinkled."

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