Chapter Twelve. Country Dance

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Chapter Twelve

Country Dance. 

The trunks arrived just in time, enabling them to don Sunday bests for their debut in Knowlton society. The two teenagers, Belle and Meg, were bubbling with excitement as they crushed in to the backseat of the car on either side of a subdued Mary, who was now twenty-three years of age. All the girls were wearing capes and bonnets, and the men their woollen overcoats as protection against the evening chill. Just as Dan was about to slip behind the wheel, Mrs Maclean appeared on the front porch. She came to the open window on the driver's side, scrutinized the girls, and then turned to look up at Dan. 

"Now you remember. Nae speeding and back here by midnight. I want nae truck with revelry on the Sabbath." 

"Don't worry Mrs. Maclean," replied George. "I'll make sure we'll be back in good time." 

"Well be off with you then and keep out of trouble." 

Dan climbed in to the idling car slipped it in to gear and set off at a sedate pace down the dirt driveway. As soon as the farmhouse was out of sight, Dan accelerated, despite George's plea to keep it slow. The car had little in the way of suspension and this became very evident on the bruising trip down the rock-strewn lane that led to the Foster to Knowlton road. A dishevelled bunch stepped down from the car outside the converted barn that served as a dance hall. 

They were a little late but the dancing had yet to start. The band, playing on a stage at the far end of the hall, was largely ignored, as everyone seemed intent on conversation. So much so, that their nervous entrance went largely unnoticed. After paying the admission (50cents for the men, ladies were free) the girls went to the powder room to freshen up. George and Dan searched for a table around the edge of the dance floor. They eventually succeeded in finding a place next to the band.  

The girls emerged. A wave from George gained their attention. They jostled towards him through the crowd, but progress was slow. Every step of the way young men accosted them. Mary, her face a beet red, was the first to reach the table. She was trembling. 

"I've never seen anything like it. It's so nineteenth century." 

"What is?" 


Mary slapped a card face down in the centre of the table. George picked it up. It was a dance program. The dances were listed in order with a space beside each one where the lady could record the name of her chosen partner. Mary's card was blank.  

Belle was the next to reach the table, her face flushed with excitement." Would you believe it?" she squealed. "I'm booked for every dance." 

"But you don't know any of these fellows," said George. 

"Oh don't be such an old fuddy duddy George. I've got you and Dan to look after me." 

Meg eventually made her way back to the table and sat between George and Dan. She was elated. "This is so wonderful. I've met so many people that I haven't seen since I left school. So many old friends." 

"And what about your card? Is it full like Belle's?" asked Dan. 

Meg smiled. Drew the card from her purse and held it to his face. "I've saved two dances, one for you, and one for George." 

"I'll take the last one," said Dan. 

George managed a surreptitious look at the card. Only one space remained. His heart dropped. "Sorry Meg, I don't know how to do the military two step." 

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