chapter 2: the strange dream

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***Lucy's dream****

I was in a dark small space. I try to scream but all that comes out is a small squeak. I try to run but for some odd reason my feet won't respond. All they do is walk slowly towards the darkness. I just keep on walking when I suddenly stop when a scream is heard farther into the darkness. I shiver in fear. But my feet keep walking. Then I see a young blonde girl on the floor with a raven-haired boy is by her side crying. Looks like the girl is unconscious. She has a big burn on her left shoulder. I try to walk over to the kids. But when I tried the boy got up and ran and ran into the darkness. I tried to save the girl but when I tried she faded away. Then I ended up in a hospital room. I just stand in awe. There is my parents but they don't look happy. Then I notice the young girl again. She's on the hospital bed. My mother crying. My father trying to comfort my mother. Then I see the raven-haired boy in the hallway. I try to see who the young girl is but then I hear a whisper.. "Why did you
this to Lucy??" My mother whispered. The young boy answered. "I-I I didn't... mean to.. He answers between sobs. My father yells "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!! YOU ARENT ALLOWED TO TOUCH MY BABY GIRL!! YOU ARENT ALLOWED NEAR OR TO VISIT HER EVET AGIAN!! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!! The betrothal is over!!" That's when I noticed the parents of the boy is in the doorway with the boy. Tears in their eyes. They try to keep the tears from fall while backing away. I turn back to see my father crying. He's holding my mom's hand. They are trying to get themselves together before the doctors come. Then the doctors come in. The say blankly... "Your daughter will be fine but she won't remember anything and she won't be able to use her magic.

***End of dream****


Damn why did I have that dream.. I get up and head to the bathroom. I splash water on my face. Then I get dressed. "I better get to the bottom of this." I gotta get to the guild. I'll ask levy!!! I should eat first though. I make a quick breakfast and eat. Then I grab my belt with my keys and belt just in case I need them this time. I head out the door. I walk along the river when a Fisher says " be careful miss Lucy! You don't wanna fall into the river!!" Thanks and yes I don't wanna fall!! I notice that I'm close to the guild Hall. I hop down off the ledge. I calm my breathe and kicked down the doors. Oi! Good morning minna!! "Good morning Lucy/Lushee/Luce/Lu-chan/Bunny girl!!"

Thanks for reading the chapter!! Aye I know its a boring chapter!! But thanks for the support

Love, ZerCy!!

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