'Whats that?' I asked

'Nithing' they all replied.

'Is it the newspaper? Can I see?'

'Um no, it's mine and I don't want you reading it'

'Oh ok then' I said a little shocked an offended but I would find one at the studio. We all got in our cars and got driven to the studios. When we got there everyone was acting weird around me. I suddenly got really self conscious. I ran into my room and sat there thinking what it could all be about.

Then Harry walked through the door.

'Are you ok?' He asked.

'Um, fine I guess but everyone is acting strange around me and I don't know why' I answered.

'Havent you seen the papers?' He asked.

'Um no?' I asked getting more and more worried. He held one out infront of me and on the front cover was a picture of Josh... And Eve?! I grabbed the newspaper and started to read. Josh had been to the zoo with Eve his ex girlfriend and there was a picture of them by the penguins kissing. My heart shattered into millions of pieces and I fell to the floor dropping the newspaper.

Tears started to stream down my face and I sat there shaking. Harry ran to sit next to me. He placed my head on his chest and wrapped his arms around me I cuddled into him ad started to full on cry. He stroked my leg and kept saying things like 'there there' and 'it will all be ok' we stayed there for a while but then my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was Josh calling.

'Dont answer it' Harry said.

'I have to.' I replied before answering the phone.

'What?' I asked.

'Babe, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise we were being watched'

'So that makes it all better does it?' I asked.

'No, but I-'

'Josh, I love you so much! And then you go and cheat on me? How could you! We were so strong! I only saw you on Sunday! And now it's Tuesday and its in the papers! So yesterday you must of been with her! One day after we were together'

'Babe it wasn't meant to happen, I went to the zoo and bumped into her!'

'Firstly don't call me babe, second there is a picture of you two walking hand in hand into the zoo so don't lie to me.' Harry laughed next to me.

'Who is that?' Josh asked.

'No one'

'Who is that?'

'A friend.'

'Is it Harry?'

'Does it make a difference?' I asked

'Yeah it does! Ari, I don't want us to end and if your There with him I have no chance'

'Excuse me? What's that meant to mean?'

'Well be both know he likes you and you like him' I blushed an looked down.

'Josh, I explained this in Starbucks! Remember? Before you cheated?'

'Ariana, I'm coming to the studios!'

'No you're not!' I said. But he had already hung up. Shit.

'Oh dear' Harry said.

'Harry, he said he is coming here!' I told him. He froze and looked angry.

'He what?'

'I know'

following his footsteps a ariana grande fanficWhere stories live. Discover now