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Hey guys. So I've kinda been struggling as to if I should post this chapter, since it may cause a lot of controversy. I finally decided to because it's a topic that's important to me. You shouldn't judge people by their appearance or a rumor you may have heard, but by their personality. So please no hate
Rey's POV
I chase the two toddlers down the hall, before I feel myself being pulled into someone's arms. Screaming in surprise, I turn to see my husband; Ben Allen.


"There's my beautiful wife." He pecks me on the cheek, and the twins come hurdling towards us.


"There you two are! Hey Conner, Beck." He hugs the two little chubby boys, tossing Conner in the air.

"You be careful with him!"

"Calm down Rey..."

"I want up too!" Beck shouts, pulling at the hem of my pants. Lifting the two year old into my arms, he laughs in delight.

"We should invite the family over for dinner!"

"Rey... I don't want to make a fuss."

"Ben, you've been in Iraq for nine months... I'm pretty sure everyone wants to see you."

"Am I allowed to be home with my wife and sons for a little bit, before I'm ambushed?"

"No." I peck him on the lips quickly before pulling out my phone and inviting our families over for dinner.

"That, Mr... Is what you get when you don't tell me your coming home." He shakes his head before heading to our bedroom to change.

It had been a long five years since Ben and I got married. When we had graduated high school, he had immediately joined the Marines and left for an eighteen month tour of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Being apart that long was torture for the both of us, and he proposed the moment he got home. We got married a year later. After trying for two years to have kids, I was told that I was unable to carry children of my own.

Finally we were able to find a segregate to carry a child for us. So Ben and I were thrilled to find out that we would be expecting twins.

Now I'm here, getting ready to have our entire family over.

"Rey?" I jump, dropping the plate that I was carrying to the table.

"Sorry... I'm just so used to be alone with the boys I guess."

"I get it..." He helps me clean up the shattered ceramic, and I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I jog to the door, smoothing my dress over. I open the door and see my brother with Sara and their five year old daughter Millie.

"Hey guys! Common in, glad you could make it!" I move aside letting them in, and the next thing I know my youngest sibling is hugging me tightly.

"Hey Ryan!" I hug the nine year old back tightly, and look up to see Rose, and my parents.

"Hey guys!" I hug my parents tightly, who still look pretty good for their age, even if they're in their forties.

"Hey Rosie."

"Rey... I told you not to call me that. My name is Roe."

"Alright..." She reminds me of Robbie when he was a teenager, easily annoyed. The miracle of being sixteen years old.

"Well head inside..."

"Rey honey, where's my grandsons? Wow... That makes me sound so old..."

"They're inside mom." Finally Kara, Barry, and Alex Allen arrive. Kara and Barry had a daughter about a month after my parents brought Ryan home, so the two are the same age.

"Alright... That's everyone." I head into the backyard, and see everyone catching up and hugging Ben tightly.

As I'm about to join everyone, I hear the doorbell ring once more. I go and find a girl standing there about the same age as Rose.

"Hi I'm Rose's g-"

"She's my friend! She's my friend... Is it okay that I invited her?"

"S-sure..." I'm kinda of in shock, wondering what just happened exactly. I've never seen Rose that panicked in years. And what was that girl going to say before she was cut off?

I continue to watch from the kitchen, as I finish dinner. A while later I hear hesitant footsteps behind me.

"R-Rey?" It's Rose.

"Ya Roe?"

"Can I talk to you?" I turn to face her, concern rising through me seeing the state she's in.

"You know you can... What's wrong?"

"Is there someone more private?" I nod my head, leading her upstairs to my office.

"Now tell me what's going on?"

"That girl, Lee, she's my... She's my girlfriend..." I'm not really sure how to respond. I guess I'd just never thought of any of my siblings going that way. We did have distant aunts who were Lesbian, and I love them. I just guess this was kind of shocking...

"Well if you like her, then I like her."


"Yep." I beam at her, proud that she's following her heart.

"Did you tell mom and dad yet?" She stares at the floor, shifting back and forth.


"Rose, they love you. No matter who you choose to be with in your lifetime."

"Thanks Rey." My sister hugs me tightly, grateful for acceptance.

"Now... Shall we go back to the party?"

"Sure." With that we join our family outside.

Sure we've had a crazy life, and when I was four years old I never could've predicted what would go wrong in my life, but it's a good life. Looking back on it all, I wouldn't have changed a single thing.

Life is amazing, and unless you take risks, and keep looking for hope, you're not living it to the fullest. Love is the key to life, no matter who you share it with, because without my family I'm not sure if I could be living such a positively amazing life. Just keep going, because the each day is new and can always be better, but only if you make it.

-Rey Olivia Queen, 25

Bloodline Series Book 2: What Went Wrong?Where stories live. Discover now