Chapter 41- The Push

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Rey's POV
The moment we get to the Allen's house the come rushing out, panic on their faces.

"Oh thank god you guys are alright!" Ben hugs me tightly, much to my fathers dismay.

"What's going on?"

"There have been terrorist attacks throughout the country. They just started playing footage on the news." Well now I know why I had that bad feeling.

"Where have they been?"

"Wayne, Queen Consolidated, and then other well known businesses and government buildings."

"Oh my god..." My dad immediately pulls out his phone, calling I don't know who.

"Felicity! Are you alright?!"

"Rey and I are okay... What about Robbie and Rose?"

"Ray?" You can tell he wouldn't say it if it wasn't necessary, but terrorist attacks are no time to be picky.

"Okay... Be safe."  The four of us stand there watching the conversation, wondering what my mother said.

"Are they okay?"

"They're all alright. The airports are going to be closed for a few days, but then we're going to fly home."

"Okay..." This may be a bad time for the rest of the country, but for me, today was a step in the right direction. This was the first time in over six months that my parents have willingly spoken to each other.

Ya sure... They may be divorced at this point, but there is still hope for them yet. Maybe the thought of loosing each other will remind them how much they mean to each other.

"Well, there is still a dinner to be eaten." Barry and Kara lead us into the little house. The difference between the two couples is huge. It must be weird for Ben to switch between the two lifestyles.

"I like your house..."

"Thank you... We know it's small, but it's home." Barry beams at his wife, and I see how well separated parents work for Ben, but it won't work for me. It hasn't been working for me.

"Rey, are you coming?"

"I'll meet you there. I need to do something first." Ben nods his head, going inside.

I pull out my cellphone, checking to see if anyone was watching. I glance at the front door and see my dad watching me.

Slowly and carefully, I dial the number and wait for someone to answer.


"Hey mom..."

"Rey, honey are you alright...?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"What made you hate us so much?" I hear a sharp inhale from the other side, but no answer.

"I-I told you how much this is killing me... And you didn't even care!"


"Will you just listen?! I know you don't love Ray like you think you do, because that's the way you love dad. Aunt Thea told me how much Grandma used to hate you, but dad didn't care! He gave up everything for you! Are you just going to throw all of that away..?!" Before she can say anything else, I hang up.

I walk towards the house, and my dad meets me at the front.

"You good?"

"I'm better..." Together we walk inside again, and see the Allen's all laughing as they set up the table. Ben has mashed potatoes covering his face. It takes everything in me to stifle a laugh.

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