Chapter 27- Sick

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I'm being mean again😂😁😬👍🏻

Felicity's POV
Life was beginning to get as normal as possible, but I continued to worry about my youngest daughter.

Almost every week she would catch some sort of cold or virus. It was beginning to worry me seeing her sick all the time.

I could tell that the rest of the family was beginning to worry too. They wouldn't mouth their thoughts, but it was subtle things they were doing.

Right now I was attempting to get Rose to sleep as she screams in pain.

"Rosy... What's the matter baby girl?" I hear a knock on the door and glance over my shoulder to see Oliver.

"She still isn't better?"

"No... Oliver I'm starting to worry. She seems to be in so much pain."

"She we take her to the doctor?" Glancing down at my daughter I know it would be cruel to make her continue to suffer.

"Yes. What about the twins though?"

"Rey is with Sara, and Robbie has lacrosse practice."

"Alright let's go." When we arrive at the hospital, doctors immediately see then screaming toddler. Oliver and I are forced to wait outside the room as they take tests.

"I'm worried Oliver. I don't want her to suffer."

"If she's anything like her mother, I'm sure she will pull through." He pulls me into his arms tightly, and I feel myself relaxing.

"Mr. And Mrs. Queen?" I turn and see a doctor, the very one that had treated me with my cancer.


"We found out what's causing your daughters pain. I'm so sorry, but she has HLH. "

"What's HLH?"

"It's a disease where the immune system attacks the organs and bone marrow of the body."

"Is there a cure?"

"You have to find a bone marrow match. Usually siblings will be a match. I'm sorry to say, if there is no match, your daughter will die..."

"Oh my god..." Oliver wraps me tightly in his arms attempting to comfort me as tears come forward.

"Can we see her?"

"Of course." We are led down the hall to a room. Inside is Rosy attached to a million different wires and IV's, all filled with medications to ease her pain.

I walk forward and see that she's asleep. Running a hand through her darkening curls, I wish I could make this all go away in an instant, but I can't.

"She said siblings are the best chance?"

"Yes. We can get the twins tested, but Felicity we need to prepare ourselves that they might not be a match."

"We need to try. I'm not loosing anymore of my family."

"I know..." I stay there at the end of the bed until I hear the door open and the twins run in followed by Thea.

"What happened to Rose?"

"She's sick..."

"What can we do?" I feel a smile pull at the corner of my lips. All of them are so willing to help without even knowing everything.

"Mom, what can we do?"
Two hours later, we find out that neither of the twins are a match, and all hope seems to vanish.

Bloodline Series Book 2: What Went Wrong?Where stories live. Discover now