Chapter 26-Forward

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Rey's POV

When I wake up in the morning, my cheeks are swollen, my eyes bloodshot. I wanted to stay in bed all day, but I had a feeling that my mother would never allow it.

"There she is..." I throw my hair into a ponytail, sick of it getting in my way.  My father pecks me on the cheek as he heads out of the room, probably on his way to work.

"You okay sweetie?" I had been feeling worse before last night, sick and tired of holding all of those emotions in, it felt good to just let it go.

"I've been better..."

"Okay... Well your brother is at school, and your sister is with your aunt, so we get to spend the time together." It feels good to know that my mom let me stay home from the torturous place known as high school.

People have been giving Rob and I loads of crap since we first went back. It didn't help when my brother got arrested. Their taunting still runs through my head at least once a day.

"So... What should we do?"

"Can I just talk? I think I'm ready to now." She nods her head understanding before leading me to the other room.

We sit down on the couch, and I take a deep breath, starting from the beginning.

"Well I guess it kinda happened after you died... Conner came over, said he knew I would hold it all in. So he let me sit there, and I cried and cried. I felt so weak around him..."

"It's going to be okay Rey. I've got you." He gently wipes away the tears running down my cheeks. I rest my head on his shoulder, completely exhausted.

"I know that you feel like you have to be strong, but sometimes the strongest people allow themselves to be weak."

"She's gone... I have to step up."

"No expects you to replace her Rey. Especially not to give up your childhood to take over her responsibilities."

"Someone has too. This is going to crush my dad. How will he function now? The person he cared about the most in the world is gone. I don't know what I would do..."

"Well I'm thankful I don't have to know what that feels like. Right now the person that I care about is right here." I look at him completely in shock. I have had a crush on him for ages, but never said anything since I figured he wouldn't feel the same.


"You're beautiful Rey..." He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, and I feel my cheeks flush.

"I don't believe you..."

"You are! Inside and out. You always put everyone before yourself, making sure their needs are met before yours. And I know that is going to be something I see a lot of now that your mom is gone..." I look him in the eyes, shocked at how well he knows me. Almost better than I know myself...

I look at my mother, tears in my eyes. She gets up, wrapping me in her arms tightly.

"I'm here now baby girl..."

Bloodline Series Book 2: What Went Wrong?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon